16.07.2018 Testing the phenomenon of the quantum pseudo-telepathy

Dr. Alexey V. Nenashev, Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Date: Monday, 23.07.2018, 14:15 h
Location: Department of Physics, Renthof 6, seminar room 00014


At the present time, everyone has a possibility to try quantum computations with a real quantum computer. The IBM Q Experience is a five-qubit computer available for a broad public. Though such a small computer can be considered only as a toy, it provides an opportunity to perform real experiments revealing weird properties of the quantum world. In the present talk, the attempt to observe the phenomenon of quantum pseudo-telepathy (a variation to the theme of violation of the Bell inequality) with IBM Q Experience quantum computer will be reported. The attempt failed due the operational errors of the IBM Q Experience. However, the improvement of the experimental facility may also improve the result.
