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Hints for leave

For legal reasons, Uni-Accounts and email inboxes of former members (i.e. people who are no longer active or no longer in cooperation with the Philipps University or its partner institutions) cannot be provided and maintained for a longer period of time. For details, please see the section “May I continue to use my university account after I have left?” in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Below you will find some tips that can make it easier for you to say goodbye to your Uni-Account.

  • Time schedule: How long can I still use the Uni-Account?

    As a rule, the Uni-Account will be disabled step by step. The regular suspension and deletion periods as well as transitional regulations are explained under Validity and Locking.

    Emeriti and retired university professors are still members of the university according to § 37 HessHG (2021) and can continue to use their university account until the end of their life.

  • Email inbox: Switching to another provider

    Step 1: Choosing a provider

    You probably already have a private email account that is provided to you, for example, by your cable network operator, Internet provider or mobile phone provider, to which you can transfer the e-mails from your university account and forward them temporarily.

    If this is not the case, you can quickly find detailed information on various reputable email providers (both free and paid) by searching the Internet. The various providers differ in particular with regard to their data protection or advertising measures.

    When choosing a new provider, you should also take into account any size and volume restrictions if your university account contains large amounts of e-mails that you would like to transfer. You can find out the current size of your university account mailbox using our web form for the characteristics query under the item "E-mail mailbox":


    Step 2: Set up email forwarding

    Until the final deactivation of the university account, you can have new incoming e-mails forwarded to your private email address. For this purpose please enter your private email address after logging in to webmail under "Webmail => Forwarding" as destination address and finally click on "Save and activate":


    Step 3: Transfer of collected e-mails to another provider

    To transfer the collected e-mails from your university account mailbox to the new provider, please use a local email program, e.g. Mozilla Thunderbird. First set up the university account as an account there, as described at , and then use the same steps to set up the new provider's account in the local email program. Make sure to set up both accounts with server type „IMAP“.

    Now you can transfer the e-mails and also the email folders in the local email program simply by drag&drop (mark with the mouse => grab by holding the left mouse button => move => drop by releasing the left mouse button) from the university account to the account of the new provider. You can check the successful transfer of the e-mails directly via the web access of the new provider.

    As soon as the e-mails have been transferred, you can delete the university account in the local email program. If the web access of the new provider is sufficient for you, you can also completely dispense with the local email program afterwards.

    Step 4: Transferring the address book to another provider

    If you have previously maintained an address book along with your e-mails, you can export this to a file in the email program you have been using up to now (e.g., Webmail) and import it into the email program (Web access, if applicable) of the new provider in order to continue using the address book there.

  • Reachability: Contact data for your publications

    For your scientific publications we recommend the free registration of a lifetime "ORCID iD" at .

    There you will be able to maintain a personal website with your current contact details, employers, education and publications (example: You can enter the ORCID iD on your publications at any time and thus remain accessible for life, even after the university email address has been discontinued. Your personal ORCID website can also usually be found under your name in Internet search engines.

  • Online literature: Access within the libraries

    You can still use the research PCs in the university library, which can be used without an account, to access literature and other external online media. Of course, the corresponding services for city users of university libraries that may be closer can also be used.

  • Software downloads: Free alternatives

    Many software manufacturers offer free versions of their software for private use, slightly limited in functionality, e.g. literature management "Citavi Free" up to max. 100 titles, virus protection "Sophos Home Free" for up to 3 devices.

    A selection of open source and free alternatives to very common software can be found on the page "Software" under the heading "Kostenlos nutzbare Software".

  • Support and Help

    If you have any problems, the staff of the IT Service Desk will be happy to help you.
    Please contact:

    HRZ, IT-Servicedesk
    Hans-Meerwein-Straße 6
    35032 Marburg
    Hotline +49 (0)6421 28-28282