Philipp Berg

Philipp Berg


Contact information

+49 6421 28-24070 philipp.berg@ 1 Gutenbergstraße 18
35032 Marburg
G|01 Institutsgebäude (Room: 02024 resp. +2024)

Scholarship holder (Marburger Modell) and associated Doctoral Candidate in the Research Training Group RTG 2271 "Expectation Maintenance vs. Change in the Context of Expectation Violations: Connecting Different Approaches"

Research Interests

•    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
•    Neuropsychological assessment
•    Interaction of associative learning/reward and visual attention


•    Basic visual attention processes and ADHD

Conference Presentations

Berg, Philipp (2018, March). Reward Driven Visual Attention Capture in Adult ADHD Patients. Posterpresentation Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP), Marburg.

Berg, Philipp (2018, September). Reward Driven Visual Attention Capture in Adult ADHD Patients. Symposiatalk DGPs - Kongress, Frankfurt am Main.

Berg, Philipp (2018, September). Reward Driven Visual Attention Capture in Adult ADHD Patients. Posterpresentation Eunethydis, Edinburgh.

Berg, Philipp (2019, May). Visuelle Suche und der Einfluss von Belohnung bei Patienten mit ADHS. Symposiumsbeitrag Fachgruppentagung Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (DGPs), Erlangen.

Curriculum vitae

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