Writing Lab – Summaries, Abstracts and Reviews
24. Mai 2016 10:00 – 24. Mai 2016 16:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
Philipps-Universität Marburg, MARA, F|05, Deutschhausstraße 11+13, 1st floor, seminar room 01.0010
The world is changing, and so is the world of academia. There is more information freely available than ever before, and while this is a boon in terms of accessibility of information, this creates a difficult task for the academic who has to sift through it all.
This is why we need summaries and abstracts. These shortened overviews of documents enable readers to decide whether the document is relevant to them, whether the quality of research is reputable and whether or not they need to read the complete document.
This means that writing abstracts and summaries is not only increasingly in demand, but is also becoming increasingly competitive. It is no longer enough for the academic to merely describe their paper; they need to sell it.
This course will focus on descriptive abstracts, informative abstracts and executive summaries. We will identify and practice the conventions and norms, as well as useful tricks and techniques in abstract and summary writing.
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, you will have developed your ability to:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of types of abstracts and summaries, and the norms involved with writing them,
- understand and evaluate techniques used in summary and abstract writing, and
- produce and evaluate abstracts and summaries.
Didactic Methods
Trainer input, discussion of own and other texts, practical exercises
Please note that this is not an English language course. Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency is required.
May 24, 2016, 10 am–4 pm
Target group
Doctoral candidates from all disciplines
Maximum number of 12 participants
Internal 25 EUR
External 75 EUR
This event can be credited in the certificate program "Entwicklung und Management von Forschungsprojekten" EMF.
Until 14 days before the beginning of the course at mara.lnw@uni-marburg.de.
Registration is binding. In case of non-appearance without reason or cancellation twelve days beforehand, the full registration fee has to be payed.

Dr. Fabienne Quennet
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Doctoral Program for Life and Natural Sciences