16.09.2015 Semiconductors for Terahertz Science Group
Dr. Enrique Camus, Applied Terahertz Science Group, Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica A. C., Mexico
Date: Wednesday, 23.09.2015, 14:00 h
Location: WZMW, Hans-Meerwein-Str. 6 (Lahnberge), seminar room 02D36
Over the last decade the semiconductor of choice for the fabrication of pulsed terahertz emitters and detectors has been low-temperature grown GaAs owing to its relatively high mobility and short free carrier lifetime. Yet this semiconductor is hard to grow reproducibly and requires expensive MBE methods, therefore it is not viable for industrial scale device fabrication. In this talk I summarise some recent theoretical and experimental approaches and results that we have produced in order to overcome these problems, which include alternative methods for carrier lifetime engineering and improvements of the device geometry.
Prof. Dr. Martin Koch