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Psychologie: Forschung und Anwendung / Psychology: Research and Application (Master of Science)
Program: Psychologie: Forschung und Anwendung / Psychology: Research and Application
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Program length: 2 years / 4 semesters (120 ECTS points)
Start: winter semester
This degree program prepares students for independent professional practice in key areas of psychology, such as scientific research and teaching in both fundamental and applied fields, occupational, organizational and business psychology, diagnostics, neuro-scientific psychology and cognitive science, as well as child and adolescent psychology.
A primary goal underpinning this degree programme is to create the prerequisites for independent and autonomous work in the professional fields of psychology. Transfer skills for combining scientific knowledge with practical action are acquired in the process. Students obtain in-depth scientific and methodological knowledge and skills spanning various fields of practice.
This degree programme prepares students for independent professional practice in key areas of psychology, such as scientific research and teaching in both fundamental and applied fields, occupational, organisational and business psychology, diagnostics, neuro-scientific psychology and cognitive science, as well as child and adolescent psychology. The Master’s examination constitutes a second degree in Psychology culminating in a professional qualification, which is particularly suitable for independent work in applied and scientific fields of activity..
Admission requirements
Required university degree We require proof of your completion of a relevant Bachelor’s degree in the field of psychology or proof of a comparable domestic or foreign university degree that qualifies the student for a given profession. The Bachelor’s degree, which qualifies the student to enter a given profession, must comprise at least 180 credit points (CP) or a degree programme with a standard period of study of 6 semesters or 3 years, respectively, and must have been completed with an overall grade of at least 3.0 or 7.9 grade points, respectively.
The content and structure of the Bachelor’s degree programme must be based on the “Recommendations of the Board of the German Society for Psychology pertaining to Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes in Psychology” (“Empfehlungen des Vorstands der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie zu Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen in der Psychologie”) in the currently valid version (currently 12.2014).
At least 32 credit points must have been acquired in the discipline of Methodology/Diagnostics and an experimental psychology internship or empirical internship of at least 6 credit points must have been completed.
Certifications of program-specific knowledge and skills to be submitted prior to admission German skills:
Other language skills:
Skills in the English language at Level B2 of the "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe"Admission Mode Restricted admission (NC)
An Eligibility assessment process is carried out.Who can answer questions?
Technical questions about your application
Content-related questions about the program
Jan Schmitt
Gutenbergstraße 18
Room 00 032
35032 Marburg
Tel.: 0049 6421 28-23807 (available only on Mondays between 12 and 1 p.m.)Email:
Formal questions about your application
In case of formal questions about the application, please contact Master's Coordination with your application number (if available) at
Application & Deadline