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Max Philipp Wehn

Associated member of the Integrated Graduate School
(First funding period, 2014-2017) 

  • Contact

    Philipps-Universität Marburg
    Raum 00022 (Haus K)

  • Vita

    Since 05/2017
    Research associate in the research project "Mediale Konstruktionen von Frieden 1710-1721"

    11/2015 - 04/2017
    Student assistant in the CRC 138 "Dynamics of Security", Marburg office

    Winter term 2014/15 - Winter term 2016/17
    MA in History of International Politics at the Philipps University of Marburg

    07 - 10/2014
    Internship at Deutsche Bank AG in the "Communication, CSR & Public Affairs" department

    Acquisition of the Baccalaureus Artium in History and Cultural Studies

    08 - 09/2013
    Internship at the Political Archive of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin

    02 - 07/2013
    DAAD-Go-East scholarship, semester abroad at the State University of Minsk

    07 - 09/2012
    Editorial internship at the Frankfurter Neue Presse

    05 - 12/2012
    Student assistant at the Chair of Early Modern Studies II, Justus Liebig University Giessen

    Winter term 2010/11 - Summer term 2014
    BA in History and Journalism History at the Justus Liebig University Giessen

  • Talks

    (together with Dr. Angela Marciniak) "...nirgends ist der Staat sicherer als dort?" — Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Sicherheit und Zukunft am Beispiel von Thomas Morus' Utopia, im Rahmen der SFB-Konzeptgruppentagung "Zukunft - Sicherheit - Politische Kommunikation. Relationen und Bedingtheiten in historischer Perspektive" (29./30. Juni 2016)

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