International PhD Student: Anahi Gutkin de Freitas
Open position for a Doctoral Researcher/PhD
Talk & Tutorial on Bayesian Meta-Analysis on Youtube
New member of staff: Björn Siepe
Preprint on the Dirichlet Dual Response Model published
New article published in the Journal of Memory and Language
Article on Sequential Collaboration published in the journal Decision
Job advertisement for the position of a Student Assistant (m/f/d)
Job advertisement for the position of a doctoral candidate (m/f/d)
New Preprint on Expertise in Sequential Collaboration
New Preprint on Cultural Consensus Theory for Two-Dimensional Data
New preprint: Tutorial on Multinomial Processing Tree Modeling
Publication in Psychological Methods: Waldian t tests
New Publication in Personality and Individual Differences
New Preprint on Simulation Studies in Psychology
New Preprint on Uncovering Null Effects in Null Fields
New preprint on multiverse analysis for dynamic network models
New PhD Student: Semih Can Aktepe
New article on the syntactic complexity of truth judgements
New publication about null effects
New Preprint on Repetition-Based Truth Effect
New Preprint on Discriminant Validity of Interval Response Formats
New preprint on the link between plausibility of statements and the illusionary truth effect
New preprint on modeling sequential collaboration and group judgements
Oliver Schmidt successfully defends PhD thesis
New publication: Personality traits (un)related to dishonest behavior
New publication on the consistency of dishonest behavior in structurally comparable situations
New publication on sequential collaboration
New preprint: Revisiting the Effect of Discrepant Perceptual Fluency on Truth Judgments
New Publication: Tutorial on Analysis of Ecological-Momentary-Assessment Data