Tagungen & Vorträge
- 08.09.2021 - 10.09.2021 (13:00-18:00)
Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Surowiec (Veranstalter, Uni Marburg)
DFG-SPP 1962 Summer School on Optimization under Uncertainty
(per Zoom) - 18.06.2021 (09:30-12:45)
Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Surowiec (Uni Marburg)
An Introduction to Risk-Averse PDE-Constrained Optimization: Theory, Numerical Solution, and Open Problems
(per Zoom) - 16.03.2021 (10:15-11:15), 23.03.2021 (16:15-17:15), 25.03.2021 (16:15-17:15)
Prof. Dr. Hans Feichtinger (Uni Wien)
From Linear Algebra to Gabor Analysis: a short course consisting of three units
(per Zoom) - 19.06.2020:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Surowiec (Uni Marburg)
Optimization of Elliptic PDEs with Uncertain Inputs: Basic Theory and Numerical Stability
(über WebEx) - 19.02.2020:
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Steidl (TU Kaiserslautern):
Curve Based Approximation of Measures on Manifolds by Discrepancy Minimization
In der Regel finden die Vorträge um 16:30 Uhr im HS IV (Raum 04A30) statt. Um 16:00 Uhr werden Kaffee & Tee im SR VII (Raum 05D01) gereicht.