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Courses of Study in the Faculty of History and Cultural Sciences

The faculty is divided into two broad sections, comprising the subject areas 'Archaeology' and 'History'. As a result of the modularisation of the courses of study at the Philipps University three different types of degree are possible: the Teacher Training Programme, which offers a qualification for teaching in Grammar Schools (Gymnasia) as well as the B.A. (Baccalaureus Artium/Bachelor of Arts) and — following this up — the M.A. (Magister Artium/Master of Arts).
The following courses of study are currently available for new students:
- B.A. Archaeological Sciences;
- M.A. Classical Archaeology;
- M.A. Prehistoric Archaeology;
- Teacher Training Programme History;
- B.A. History.
- M.A. courses in History
- M.A. history of international relations
- M.A. European economic and social history
- International Criminal Justice: Law - History - Politics
The structure of courses of study in history has been deliberately kept as flexible as possible. The modules have been constructed in such a way that students can build them up by choosing from a number of different classes. Both the basic modules and the advanced modules are formally defined by historical periods, not by precise historical content. This means that there is room, limited only by the current availability of specific courses, for individual students to follow up their own special interests. Individual classes can be used to contribute to different modules: for instance, a class devoted to reading sources for the history of the seventeenth century could be used to contribute to building the Basic Module „Modern History“ or the module „History as Science“. Students therefore need to pay attention to the specific function within their own programme of study of courses offered. It must be added that each class can only be counted once.
The courses within the Teacher Training Programme and those for the B.A. run largely parallel, so that students will often be attending the same classes. Major differences are to be found merely in the amount of technical pedagogical and practical training prescribed. The archaeological section is structured rather differently. As a result of the specific character of the subject, a prescribed curriculum with fixed content is studied. For detailed information on all courses, the regulations for courses and for examinations have been made available online. Students are also requested to make use of the faculty advisory system.
Our faculty is well known for its good atmosphere for teaching and research. Classes, except for lecture courses, are limited to 25 students. Please note therefore that for all classes (with the exception of lecture courses) an early registration in the appropriate departmental office is required.
The faculty possesses excellent libraries and computing facilities. Moreover, the town of Marburg ist the home of the School for Archivists and possesses many special libraries and archives; among them can be singled out the collections of the Herder Institute, which is concerned with the history of eastern central Europe, and the Hesse State Archive. In the same building as the historical departments is housed the Hesse State Office for Regional Geography and History, and its staff participate in the research and teaching activities of the faculty.