Call for applications for the "Wissenschafts- und Förderpreis der Industrie- und Handelskammer Kassel-Marburg" The deadline for entries is February 4, 2022.
Roman Herzog Forschungspreis Soziale Marktwirtschaft Bewerbungsfrist 31.12.2019
Promotionsstipendium in Chemie und chemienahen Life Sciences Bewerbungsfrist: jedes Jahr zum 1. März, 1. Juli und 1. November
EXIST-Gründerstipendium Bewerbungen jederzeit
Forschungsstipendien bei Technologiekonzern Heraeus Eine Bewerbung ist jederzeit möglich.
Promotionsstipendien Begabtenförderungswerke
Chemie – Stipendium für Postdocs Anträge können jederzeit gestellt werden
Is your data still up to date? If you are registered as a doctoral candidate in the campus management system Marvin, we would like to remind you that - according to the doctoral regulations of the Philipps University - you have to confirm annually that your data is still up to date.
Covid-19 Student Assistant-Fund for doctoral candidates and postdocs available! Application until November 14, 2021
Call for applicatoins for the German Thesis Award 2022 The deadline is March 1, 2022.
Call for applications for the Büchner-Verlag Award for Outstanding Dissertations 2022 The deadline for entries is January 4, 2022.
PCMO mentoring program "Science Career" for postdocs announced! Application deadline is February 25, 2022.
Volkswagen Foundation announces "Funding for Refugee Scholars and Scientists from Ukraine" Applications are possible at any time!
Lecture series „Wissenschaftskommunikation als Chance – Menschen, Motive und Karriereperspektiven“ of Justus Liebig University Giessen Participation is free of charge and open to anyone who is interested. Registration is not necessary.
Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers The talks will be online. No registration necessary.
“Ways into Earning One’s Doctoral Degree“ - a talk at JLU Giessen The talk will take place from 1 to 4.30 p.m on June 28, 2022.
Research in Europe - information day for junior researchers on funding opportunities Please register by 27 October 2022.
Büchnerverlag prize for young scientists is announced! Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2023
Lecture Series: Perspectives on / for the Junior Faculty by DJG – The Association for Modern Career Paths in Science On January 31, 2023
GGL Career Day 2023 on 16 March 2023 of JLU Giessen For doctoral students in the life sciences, Master's students and postdocs
Digital Information Event "PhD with a Scholarship" March 21, 2023, at 7:00 pm
Interdisciplinary Colloquium in Literary Studies (Summer 2023) As part of the Interdisciplinary Literary Colloquium organized by doctoral and post-doctoral students from Departments 09 and 10, lectures will be held in Deutschhausstrasse, 00/1020 (or hybrid via BBB) in the summer semester of 2023.
Female Career Talk The ProTHM project of the Technical University of Central Hesse regularly provides information on the topic of "Paths to an HAW Professorship" and now offers an exciting event for young scientists.
Open Science Days 2023 The Open Science Initiative University Marburg (OSIUM)* offers a two-day program to equip you with the skills for implementing Open Science at any stage of your learning, teaching or research career.
German Thesis Award announced
Call for applications: Win KlarText Prize for science communication
AdvanceAcademia! New offer in the area of doctoral supervision Diversity-sensitive programme to promote structured collaboration in tandem between doctoral candidates and supervisors.
Join other research groups – FCMH-Workplace Experience
Student Assistant-Funds are announced Support for scientists with family obligations/chronic illnesses
Certificate Program on Third-Party Funding: Registration Started! Philipps-Universität Marburg, in cooperation with the University of Kassel, offers a tailor-made program specifically designed to meet the needs of doctoral candidates and postdocs. Use this opportunity to expand your skills in the areas of developing research projects, applying for third-party funding and project management and to advance your professional career.
Career goal HAW professorship - online information event Whether you are an employee in a company, a junior researcher or a lecturer - all interested parties are welcome.
Guest Professorship wanted: Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg