Lie theory as a language for describing symmetries of mathematical and physical structures is studied at the department both algebraically and differential geometrically.
in its various manifestations, including algebraic and differential geometry are the focus at the department.
Uncertainties in various fields of application are quantified in order to make reliable statements about modeled processes. Mathematical methods from various fields such as numerics, optimization and stochastics play a central role.
Mathematical risk modeling in various disciplines such as economics, climatology and epidemiology. Its goal is to support decision-making processes through reliable risk analysis.
Mathematics didactics - researching mathematics education, focus areas: School-university transition, proof understanding, student support.
Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics - Algorithms, data analysis, and applications in areas such as biomedicine, speech technologies, distributed systems, information systems, and databases.
Research and application in software engineering, algorithms, IT security, Big Data analytics and databases to develop high quality software, efficient algorithms and data processing.
Research on efficient, secure and scalable networked systems, Big Data analytics and algorithms for network analysis. The working groups develop solutions for wireless communication, data management and digital marketing.