26.09.2024 Research team develops innovative method for measuring the conductivity of smart textiles

Foto: Martin Koch
PhD student Alexander Jäckel uses electromagnetic radiation to analyse the structure and electrical properties of textiles in the laboratory.

A joint research team with scientists from Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz IPHT) in Jena, Philipps University of Marburg and Brown University in the USA has developed a new method to measure the electrical conductivity of thin layers on smart textiles with precision. The method uses terahertz radiation as a contact-free alternative to analyze coatings and identify material defects quickly. The research results have been published in Scientific Reports.

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Original publication: Jäckel, A., Hupfer, M.L., Castro-Camus, E. et al. Terahertz conductivity mapping of thin films on smart textiles. Sci Rep 14, 22029 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-73113-4
