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The Computer Service Center (HRZ) is basically structured by technological aspects and organized in four main departments:

  • The department "Applications" is focused on web-based applications such as the Campus Management System, studying/teching platform and the website. Head of the department is Mrs. Kerstin Runzheimer.
  • The department "Decentral Systems", is focused on the IT operation in wide area. This includes the user interfaces of the Servicedesk, workplace computers for employees and students and multimedia in the lecture halls. Head of the department is Mrs. Gabriele Hruschka.
  • The department "Central Systems", provides the server and storage infrastructure for the IT services of the university and other central applications such as Email and accounting. Also they operate the Marburger Rechen-Cluster (MaRC) and advises scientists due to HPC issues. Head of the department is Dr. Thomas Gebhardt.
  • The department "Communication"is focused on the communication services and all underlying networks, such as the data net UMRnet and the telephone system. Head of the department is Dr. Christian Borsdorf.

Also the staff unit for Information Security of the president’s office is located in the Computer Service Center (HRZ), to promote a close parnership.

Contact to head of the Computer Service Center and further administrative points of contact you will find under Contacts.