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Foto: Jannis Kohlt

Dr. Aidan Gnoth

Postdoc: Subproject B05 - International trusteeship administrations

  • Contact

    Philipps-Universität Marburg
    Deutschhausstraße 12
    Raum 02C03
    35032 Marburg

  • Vita

    Since 2023
    Post-Doctoral Fellow, CRC 138 "Dynamics of Security", Subproject B05 — Securitization and Desecuritization in International Trusteeship Administrations

    2021 – 2022
    Teaching inTübingen as Post-Doctoral Fellow, Peace and Conflict Studies (Germany)

    2021 - 2022
    Teaching Fellow, Te Ao o Rongomaraeroa, University of Otago (New Zealand)

    2020 – 2022
    Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago

    2020 – 2021
    Senior Policy Advisor, Alliance for Citizen Engagement (Boston, MA)

    2016 – 2020
    Doctoral Student, National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Otago (New Zealand)

    2014 – 2016
    Political Advisor, Auckland Council (New Zealand)

    2012 – 2013
    Course Coordinator and Lecturer Assistant, Political Science and International Relations, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)

    2013 – 2013
    Humanitarian Intern, Council for International Development, New Zealand

    2012 – 2013
    Master of International Relations, Political Science and International Relations, Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand)

    2006 – 2010
    B.A. Honours in Political Science and Philosophy (University of Otago, New Zealand) 

  • Research interests

    Peace, conflict and security studies

    International statebuilding, peacebuilding and intervention

    Pacifism and non-violence

    Interpretations of peace

    Knowledge production and transmission

    Global South epistemologies and ontologies

    Post- and decolonial international studies


  • Current publications

    Peace, pacifism, non-violence: 21st century developments. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies (mit Richard Jackson). Link zum Artikel

    Ideational Peace - Revisiting our own Ontological and Epistemological Approaches to Peace. PEACES, 1(2), 131–161 (mit Hyukmin Kang, Jiyoung Heo & Sungyong Lee). Link zum Artikel

    Relational Peace - The Nature of Peace Determined by the Relations between Actors. PEACES, 1(2), 99–129 (mit Hyukmin Kang, Jiyoung Heo & Sungyong Lee). Link zum Artikel

    Situational Peace - Exploring the Conditions of and for Peace(s). PEACES, 1(2), 67–97 (mit Hyukmin Kang, Jiyoung Heo & Sungyong Lee). Link zum Artikel

    Revolutionary Nonviolence: Concepts, Cases and Controversies. Zed Books (Hg. mit Richard Jackson, Joseph Llewellyn, Griffin Manawaroa Leonard, Tonga Karena)

    Introduction: The Return of Pacifism to IR, Global Society, 34(1), 1-3 (mit Richard Jackson, Joseph Llewellyn, Griffin Manawaroa Leonard, Tonga Karena). Link zum Artikel

    The law of war and peace – a gender analysis: volume one, in: Critical Studies on Terrorism,14(4), 607-609. 

    The self-help myth: How philanthropy fails to alleviate poverty, in: The European Legacy,  26(7-8), 846-848. 

    Undoing the Revolution: Comparing Elite Subversion of Peasant Rebellions, in: Political Science, 71(2), 171-173.

    The Moral Target: Aiming at Right Conduct in War and Other Conflicts, in: The European Legacy, 24(6), 670-672. 

    Conflict in Myanmar: War, Politics, Religion, in: The Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security. 

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