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Welcome to the Psychology Department’s Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers web site

The Women's and Equal Opportunity Officers at the Department are

We were elected as Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers at the department’s women’s assembly in June 2024 and are the liaison for all women* employed or studying at the department in issues related to the advancement of women and gender equality.

In this respect, we collaborate with the representatives of other departments, with the Universitity’s central Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers, Dr. Nina Schumacher und Stefanie Riedasch, as well as with the Office for Anti-discrimination and Diversity and the department’s Equal Opportunities Commission. 

Further, we envisage active collaboration with institutions and organizations outside of the University of Marburg.

You will find further information in the department’s Plan for and Report on the Promotion of Women and Equal Opputunities, which is currently being updated by the department’s Equal Opportunities Commission.
Suggestions and ideas for our work are always welcome. Please e-mail us at