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German Course – For International Doctoral Candidates and Postdocs
01. April 2020
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To be announced later
If you are doing research or if you work at Philipps-Universität Marburg in a language other than German and would like to start learning German at beginners level (A1.1), you are welcome to join our German evening class for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers. Through its combination of systematic language study and communicative activities, it will give you a start into the new language in a practical way. The class takes place twice a week, and you should be able to invest an additional hour or two per week for out of class work in order to achieve satisfying learning results.
Since this is a beginners class, no placement test is necessary. In case you have some knowledge of German and wonder if you are eligible for this class, please do the online placement test which can be found on the website below.
Further information:
Twice a week,
beginning in April 2020
Target group
Doctoral candidates and postdocs whose mother tongue is not German
Minimum number of 5 participants
Free of charge

This offer is a cooperative project of the Language Center, the International Office and Family Service (Dezernat VI) and the MArburg University Research Academy. It is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and financed by the Federal Foreign Office. Thanks to this financial support, the course can be offered free of charge.
Online within the time span advertised at
Teachers from the Language Center of Philipps-Universität Marburg
Event Organizer
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Language Center
Dr. Susanne Duxa
Tel.: 06421 28 21324
Language Center
Biegenstraße 12
35032 Marburg