Writing Lab – English Academic Writing for the Life and Natural Sciences
25. Februar 2016 09:00 – 25. Februar 2016 17:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)
Philipps-Universität Marburg, MARA, F|05, Deutschhausstraße 11+13, 1st floor, seminar room 01.0010
Science today is characterized by the culture of ‘publish or perish.’ Writing and publishing in English is increasingly becoming a career necessity, but many scientists are unsure about the conventions involved in academic writing in English, and what makes a paper written in English successful.
This two-day workshop aims not only to clarify the norms of scientific writing in English, but to make the writing process both individual and enjoyable. The workshop will focus on the structure of an academic paper, the paragraph structure, linking/cohesion, and topic/concluding sentences. We will also cover the correctness in language: syntax, false friends and punctuation (UK and US English), citation styles, troubleshooting, and individual needs in writing.
We will examine and critique texts, and will engage in peer review and self-evaluation.
There will be two two-hour follow-up sessions (May 27, 2016, 3 pm–5:30 pm, and June 17 2016, 3 pm–5:30 pm) to give participants the opportunity to discuss their texts.
Intended Learning Outcomes
You will be able to
- structure an academic paper,
- identify and use different referencing styles,
- introduce and conclude your work,
- create purposeful, effective paragraphs fulfilling different tasks, and
- produce accurate English writing in academic register.
Didactic Methods
Trainer input, discussion of own and other texts, practical exercises
Proficiency in English at the B2 level of competency is required.
February 25, 2016, 9 am–5 pm, and
March 17, 2016, 9 am–5 pm
Target group
Doctoral candidates and postdocs from the life and natural sciences
Maximum number of 12 participants
Internal 50 EUR
External 150 EUR
This event can be credited in the certificate program "Entwicklung und Management von Forschungsprojekten" EMF.
Until 14 days before the beginning of the course at mara.lnw@uni-marburg.de.
Registration is binding. In case of non-appearance without reason or cancellation twelve days beforehand, the full registration fee has to be payed.

Laurence F. Henry
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Doctoral Program for Life and Natural Sciences