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Upcoming colloquia

Regular schedule during summer and winter term: Tuesday, 2:00 pm (c.t.)
Format: Talks in virtual environment and in presence
Location: E273 (02/5730), Second floor, Chemistry Department, University of Marburg, Hans-Meerwein-Str. 4, 35043 Marburg
29.10.2024 | Dr. Mariana Rossi | Max-Planck-Institut für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie, Hamburg, Germany | The Role of Surfaces in the Dynamics of Weakly-Bound Systems |
05.11.2024 | Prof. Dr. Tim Neudecker | Universität Bremen, Germany | Bridging the Gap Between Molecules and Bulk Materials in Mechanochemical Simulations |
19.11.2024 | Prof. Dr. Markus Kortelainen | University of Jyväskylä, Finland | Nuclear EDFs and Restoration of Broken Symmetries |
11.12.20241 | Prof. Dr. Martin Kaupp | TU Berlin, Germany | Quantum-Chemical Adventures Using New Methodologies (with GDCh) |
21.01.2025 | Dr. Attila Cangi | Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany | Scalable Machine Learning for Electronic Structure Theory |
28.01.2025 | Prof. Dr. Ermin Malic | Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany | Exciton Physics in Atomically Thin Semiconductors |
11.02.2025 | Prof. Dr. Michael Edmund Beck | Bayer AG, Germany | Old Dogs, New Tricks: Applications of Quantum Chemistry for Life Sciences |
1) Please be aware that this talk will take place on a Wednesday at 17:15 in lecture theatre C.