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Current sponsorships

According to § 2 of the association's statutes, the purpose of the association is to support various activities and projects as well as ongoing teaching and research activities at the institute.
It is actively involved in the expansion and maintenance of the library, for example by acquiring suitable archiving objects. In particular, the scientific colloquia, guest lectures and teaching assignments of theoretical and practical content that regularly take place at the Institute are financially supported.
Research work on the history of pharmacy, medicine and natural sciences is also realised in the context of excursions. For outstanding dissertations, partial coverage of printing costs is possible on application.

Supported activities ...

  • acquisition of special research literature which cannot be realised by the institute's library budget only.
  • acquisition of hardware supporting the scientific staff at the institute (laptops, scanner, printer etc.).
  • conservation aids for the optimal handling and archiving of our books and documents (including book cushions, lead snakes, acid-free paper and archive folders, plastic clips for metal-free archiving)
  • acquisition of steel cabinets for archiving about 10.000 special prints.
  • compensation of student assistants who archive the special prints and provide the gained data for publication in the Bibliography for the History of Pharmacy (PhB; external link).
  • acquisition of big boxes for orderly storing equally funded laboratory instruments used during the compulsory optional subject taught at the institute. With their help it is possible to organize the practical work of reproducing ancient Egyptian recipes of medicines within the premises of the institute.