News 2015
Big Bang and Big Business: "Lambda ist mehr als eine Wellenlänge - Aus dem Laserlabor zu den Abgasschnüfflern" Dr. Manuel Marks, Entwicklungsingenieur Abgassensorik, Robert Bosch GmbH
Dilute bismide alloys: promising candidates for third generation photovoltaics Dr. Robert Richards, University of Sheffield, UK
Donor-acceptor complexes of inorganic analogs of benzene: stability and reactivity Prof. Dr. Alexey Timoshkin, St. Petersburg University, Russia
CECAM/Psi-k Workshop Simulation of chemistry-driven growth phenomena for metastable materials
Scanning tunneling microscopy of III-V layers for integration on Silicon substrates Dr. Andrea Lenz, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technical University Berlin
Interface formation between III-V(001) surfaces and small organic molecules Dr. Patrick Vogt, Technical University Berlin
Chemical Contributions to Semiconductor Development - in Vitro and in Silicio Workshop by RTG 1782 "Functionalization of semiconductors"
RTG 1782 "Functionalization of Semiconductors" Seminar 2015
Semiconductors for Terahertz Science Group Dr. Enrique Camus, Applied Terahertz Science Group, Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica A. C., Mexico
Women in Optics: The Castle Meeting 2015 The UNESCO declared the year 2015 to be the International Year of Light and Light-Based Technologies. Along the topic of light science and its applications, Prof. Koch's Experimental Semiconductor Physics group at the Philipps-University Marburg organizes a summer school focusing on optical technologies.
CMPS - Computational Methods for Periodic Systems Workshop
Non-equilibrium effects in vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (VECSEL) Prof. Dr. Jerry Moloney, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, Tuscon (USA)
Big Bang und Big Business: "Regulierungsstrategie oder die Frage, ob Physiker tatsächlich in allen Themengebieten arbeiten können?" Dr. Isabell Ulber, Leiterin Netzservices, Operations, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Quasiparticle and pair excitations: Influence of dynamical screening, free carriers and defects Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Bechstedt, Institut für Festkörpertheorie und –optik, Physikalisch-Astronomische Fakultät, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Big Bang und Big Business: "Von korrelierten Elektronen zu optimierten Logistikprozessen" Dr. Markus Urbanek, Chief Development Architect, SAP AG
Big Bang und Big Business: "Terahertz Spectroscopy on Lederhosen" Dr. Ole Peters, Gruppenleiter Terahertz, Menlo Systems GmbH
Ordered representation for the band structure of disordered solids: dilute bismides and beyond Dr. Oleg Rubel, Department of Material Science and Engineering, McMaster University, Canada
Surface Microcharacterization – In-Situ-Experiments and Chemical Analysis Dr. Gerhard Lilienkamp, Institut für Energieforschung und Physikalische Technologien, Abteilung Physik der Ober- und Grenzflächen, Technical University Clausthal
THz Silicon lasers based on impurity transitions Prof. Dr. Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR and Humboldt-University Berlin
Big Bang and Big Business: "From Physics to Airbus Defence and Space: Staying alive in industry" Dr. Florian Großmann, Airbus Defence & Space (formerly EADS)