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Placement Procedure for the German as a Foreign Language Semester Course

A) Information on placement Winter Semester 2024/25

Who has to take a placement test?
  • All students and members of the Philipps-Universität who have not yet been placed by the Language Centre's placement test.
Who does not need to take a placement test?
  • All 0-beginners: all those with no previous knowledge.
  • Course continuators.
What is the placement procedure?    
  • The placement test for German as a foreign language is a C-test. You will then have to fill in a questionnaire.
How do I take the assessment?    
  • The links to the C-test and the survey can be found under B). There are 5 short test-lets where you have to fill in the words to make the texts make sense.
  • You can take a sample test beforehand.
  • The survey will be available on our learning platform ILIAS.
  • Log in to the learning platform with your student account.
When will the assessment take place?
  • 16. September 2024 – 06. October 2024
  • The placement test for the summer semester is now closed.
    For any questions, please contact

B) Access to C - Test and survey

You will find a short anonymous sample C test here. You have to log in to the ILIAS learning platform to take part in the survey.

Attention: Please make sure you complete both the test and the survey, otherwise your assessment will not be valid.

Attention: Applicants without  university affiliation will get the survey from:  

C) Information on the classification result

Once the survey has been analysed, you can access your final ranking from 11 October.   HERE.
Next to the score is a link to the course offer for the semester. The registration for our summer semester courses will be possible from Wednesday 16th of October 2024 at 6 pm.  Please choose the course you would like to attend.

If your result is not clear, you will see "?"

This means that your categorisation has not yet been fully evaluated or we would like to speak to you so that we can categorise you correctly. Please call us or come direcly to our DaF-office (Biegenstraße 12/room 010)

D) Applicants without university affiliation

If you are not a member of Philipps-Universität, you will initially receive the initial result "E" (for “external”). 
You can only register with a registration form. If there are no available places left, you will not be shown a final test result.

For any questions concerning your placement test results and course registration options, please contact the coordinator for German: Astrid Burmester.