The Centre
The ICWC (International Research and Documentation Centre for War Crimes Trials) was founded in 2003; in 2008, it was granted the status of a research centre at Philipps University Marburg. Across all subfields it is committed to the principles of internationality and interdisciplinarity. Various disciplines, such as law, history and social sciences, are brought together under one roof.
The ICWC’s work is dedicated to research on international criminal law within the wider context of transitional justice as well as to the documentation of (historical) war crimes trials. Members of staff collect court documents scattered all over the world, feed them into the Centre’s database, analyse them through the lenses of different disciplines and thematic focusses and participate in the international scientific discourse on the reappraisal of mass violence. Offering a wide range of innovative events, the Centre contributes to the interdisciplinary interlinkage between research and teaching.