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Master Studies

Photo: Felix Wesch

Useful information about our Master teaching program.

  • Behavioral Finance

    Upon successful completion of this course, participants are familiar with key concepts and contributions in the area of Behavioral Finance which incorporates psychological evidence into financial economics. Based on a revision of the fundamentals of rational decision-making and experimental economics, course participants receive a comprehensive introduction to the prospect theory which has become established as the key behavioral alternative to the expected utility theory. Moreover, participants acquaint themselves with individuals’ behavioral biases and decision heuristics relevant in an investment context (e.g. overconfidence, representativeness, and mental accounting) and study their implications within the corporate sphere and at the market level. The course is accompanied by a students’ colloquium where participants gather in teams to present seminal contributions in the field of Behavioral Finance to their fellow students.

    Check out the latest student feedback on our teaching: Student Feedback

    Type: Vorlesung (6 ECTS)
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stolper
    Term: Winter term
    Examination: Final Exam
    Language: Englisch
    Details: Please find further information about this course in the M.Sc. course catalogue.
  • Quantitative Methods in Empirical Finance

    This course aims at enabling participants to conduct basic financial market research. Based on selected issues in empirical finance, students are familiarized with the econometrics of capital market research and get the opportunity to apply the relevant tools to real data using the software package Stata. Attendees acquire hands-on experience in data handling and data analysis needed in quantitative seminars, empirical theses, as well as for a wide range of job profiles in the finance sector.

    Check out the latest student feedback on our teaching: Student Feedback

    Type: Lecture + Tutorial (Stata-lab) (6 ECTS)
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stolper
    Term: Summer term
    Examination: Assignements + Final Exam
    Language: Englisch
    Details: Please find further information about this course in the M.Sc. course catalogue.
  • Case Studies in Entrepreneurial Finance

    This case study seminar pairs concepts and cases in entrepreneurial finance and thereby bridges the chasm between (corporate finance) theory and practice much needed in the field. At this, its approach is substantially different from a traditional course. Rather than receiving words of wisdom passively from your instructor, you are in the driver’s seat now: in this course, you are the creator of knowledge and the discoverer of insights. We, as instructors, will guide you and facilitate the creation and discovery process for you. Upon successful completion of this seminar, you are able to self-directedly solve complex cases in the field of entrepreneurial finance by means of written case analyses. Case learning is social learning and requires active involvement, which will be an important contribution to your success in this seminar. As a minor course objective, we will also develop tips for success in business plan competitions.

    Check out the latest student feedback on our teaching: Student Feedback

    For the Case Studies in Entrepreneurial Finance module we were granted by the student council The Best Teaching Award 2020 (Master). We are especially pleased about this award!

    Type: Seminar (6 ECTS)
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stolper
    Term: Summer term
    Examination: Term Paper + Presentation
    Language: Englisch
    Details: Please find further information about this course in the M.Sc. course catalogue.
  • Seminar Household Finance

    Participants of this Master’s seminar draw up a term paper on current trends and issues in the field of empirical finance and present and discuss their work in class. The main objective of this course is to equip students with the competencies necessary to acquire and to structure information efficiently as well as to apply this knowledge to a specific problem. In addition, the seminar helps fostering presentation and discussion skills and serves in preparing students for their Master’s thesis.

    Check out the latest student feedback on our teaching: Student Feedback

    Type: Seminar (6 ECTS)
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stolper
    Term: Summer term
    Examination: Term Paper + Presentation
    Language: Englisch/German

    Dear students,

    Please note that this module has a participation restriction and an application is required for participation.
    Please submit your CV and your transcript of records to us in the period from 01.04.2025-20.04.2025.
    Please send your documents to and register on MARVIN for the course.
    After reviewing the documents, you will receive an acceptance or rejection immediately.
    Further communication and the provision of content/documents will take place as usual via ILIAS.

    We look forward to your application!

    Please find further information about this course here.

  • Project Study

    Students majoring in Accounting & Finance have the option to gain valuable project experience by completing a multi-term team project as part of their Master’s studies. This project study may be realized either in cooperation with an external business partner or under the supervision of one of the institutes of the Accounting & Finance department. Projects with an industry focus allow students to consult partner companies on a specific entrepreneurial challenge related to the field of accounting or finance. Research-oriented projects, on the other hand, intend to prepare students for a methodologically advanced Master’s thesis and provide the possibility to gain insights into academic research that reach beyond the regular curriculum. Students interested in applying for the project study should keep in mind that a successful completion of the project study is not only time-consuming (participants typically suspend their regular curiculum), but also demands an extra high level of personal responsibility and commitment from all team members. For further information about the project study, application procedure, and FAQs please click here.
