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The department of Middle Eastern Politics is part of the Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS). At the same time, the chair belongs to the institute of political sciences of the University of Marburg. Cooperations within the university and networks with universities and research institutions in the region of the Middle East and Northern Africa are built and maintained by the CNMS. Through these, excellent possibilities for exchange and interdisciplinary research arise for the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs as well as for dissertation projects.
Within the University of Marburg, there are cooperations between the Institute of Political Science, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures, as well as the Center for Conflict Studies, with the latter within the key competence “Dynamics of Order and Conflict”.
On a regional level, the department cooperates with the Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies (GiZO) in various contexts.
On an international level, there are various collaborations and partnerships of the CNMS with universities in the regions. You can find more information in the International section of the CNMS homepage.
Additionally, the researchers at the department are involved in various research networks. Connected to the department of Middle Eastern Politics is the research network "Re-Configurations: History, Memory and Transformation Processes in the Middle East and North Africa", which is funded by the federal ministry of education and research (BMBF). Further cooperations exist with the research group "Figures of Thought| Turning Points. Cultural practices and social change in the Arab world".