Main Content
University Projects
The Computer Service Center (HRZ) supports the Philipps-Universität with the implementation of central digitization projects, such as the following
- Development and launch of the study management system, which combines all student services in one integrated campus management system (iCM),
- Launch of the research information system (FIS),
- Development and launch of an information security management,
- Expanding the infrastructure for high-performance computing, digitally supported research processes and research data management, and
- The use of digital transformation to enable new forms of mobile working.
Joint Projects of the Hessian Universities
The University Computer Center (HRZ) supports or launches the following of the projects adopted in the Hessian Digital Pact for Higher Education (HDPH):
- Hessian competence center for high-performance computing (HKHLR)
- Hessian Research Data Infrastructure (HeFDI 2)
- Network digital university teaching (HessenHub)
- H³ - Hessian innovative digital workspace (Heindz), contains Hessian Identitymanagement-Infrastructure (HeIDI) and Hessian Virtual Workplace (HeVA)