03.07.2013 Research beyond Blemish and Blame - Good Scientific Practice in the Life and Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hoffmann, Ombudsmann at Philipps-University Marburg

Date: Wednesday, 10.07.2013, 17:15 h - 19:00 h
Location: Department of Chemistry, Hans-Meerwein-Straße 8 (Lahnberge), Lecture Hall Building, Lecture Hall C

This workshop will address possible deviations from good scientific practice, deviations typically encountered in the life and natural sciences.

The following topics will be covered:

• Proper documentation of results
• Safeguarding data
• Pitfalls in writing a paper, writing a thesis
• Scientific misconduct – fabrication, falsification, plagiarism
• Questionable practices
• Encountering scientific misconduct

Detailed information can be found here.

Principles of good scientific practice (PDF, German)