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Finished projects

7/2021-12/2022 | PD Dr. Marion Näser-Lather: "Discrimination and gender-based violence in the university context using the example of Philipps-Universität Marburg", sponsored by HMWK
10/2017-03/2020 | Research Project by Prof. Dr. Annette Henninger: „Crisis of gender relations. Anti-Feminism as a Crisis Phenomenon with Socially Divisive Potential “ (REVERSE). PD Dr. Marion Näser-Lather: "Case Study 2, Science: Anti-'Genderist' Argumentation in Academic Contexts"
4/2018–8/2019 | Research Project by Prof. Dr. Marita Metz Becker: „Birth Cultures", sponsored by Gerda Henkel Foundation.
02/2015–10/2017 | DFG and MARA Research Academy Project by Dr. Marion Näser-Lather: „‚Se Non Ora Quando?‘ Protest Practices and Formation Processes of a Political Women's Movement“
2013–2015 | Research Project by Prof. Dr. Marita Metz-Becker at the Institute for European Ethnology and Studies of Culture and History at the Philipps-Universität Marburg: "Gretchentragödien. Hessian Child Murderesses in the 19th Century (1770-1870)". The research project was approved by the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art within the framework of the research focus "Dimensions of the Category Gender - Women's and Gender Studies in Hesse".
2010–2013 | VW Project: Sociocultural studies on the history of clothing in the 1930s/40s.
2009–2012 | VW Project: The Image of Old Age. Living well in old age in the face of vulnerability and finitude - an analysis of images of old age in public discourses and everyday practices.
2008–2011 | DFG Project: „Transnational Familiarity“
2007–2008 | Between Identity and Image - the Popularity of the Brothers Grimm in Hesse
2004–2008 | Research Training Group of Hans Böckler Foundation: Gender relations in the field of tension between work, politics and culture
2002–2003 | Report on the exhibition Theresienstadt: Exhibition and History