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Impulses and Reflections at a Historical Venue: The Marburg Lectures on International Criminal Law and the Annual Celebrations of the ICWC

Every year, the ICWC commemorates the occasion of its foundation with an annual celebration and the Marburg Lecture on International Criminal Law, which is always given by a distinguished guest from the area. The most recent celebration took place on 6 December 2018 with Kimberly Prost, judge at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, giving a keynote on the “20th Anniversary of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Achievements and Challenges”. On 5 December 2017, the guest speaker was Bishop Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Huber who gave a lecture on "The Cultural Dimension of Genocide". On 8 December 2016, we welcomed Professor Dr. Christoph Safferling, LL.M., spokesman of the Independent Scientific Commission on the Review of the Nazi Past at the Federal Ministry of Justice. Previously, on 3 December 2015, Professor Bertram Schmitt, judge at the ICC, was received in Marburg. In 2014, the ICWC had the honour of Professor Andreas Wirsching, director of the Institute of Contemporary History Munich/Berlin, giving a lecture. It took place within the framework of a multi-day international and interdisciplinary scientific conference at the ICWC. Another special highlight was the 2013 annual celebration which marked the 10th anniversary of the Centre and, in addition to the lecture on "The Punitive Power of World Society" held by former Judge at the Federal Constitutional Court Professor Udo di Fabio (Bonn), an interdisciplinary workshop on international criminal law was included. The workshop panels were filled with top-class representatives from science and law practices.
On the following pages you will learn more about the 2013 annual celebration as well as about all of the previous annual celebrations and guest lectures. These lectures include as keynote speakers Kimberly Prost (judge at the ICC), Professor Heiner Bielefeldt (Special Rapporteur of the United Nations and former director of the German Institute for Human Rights), Professor Andreas Paulus (judge at the Federal Constitutional Court), Professor Manfred Görtemaker (Professor of Modern History at the University of Potsdam), and later together with the former ICWC Director Professor Christoph Safferling (spokesman of the Independent Scientific Commission on the Review of the Nazi Past at the Federal Ministry of Justice), Professor Kai Ambos (professor of Criminal Law at the University of Göttingen and judge at the Regional Court) and Professor Edgar Wolfrum (professor of Public History and Applied History at the University of Heidelberg).