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Studying in Marburg

At the Philipps University Marburg you will study the B.A. Language, Discourse and Power, exclusively in English: the language of instruction in lectures, seminars, tutorials, and practical lessons is English. The study program is so unique because it offers a well-founded overview of English linguistics and focusses on discourse analysis and the role of language in society. This is why our sessions are never boring! From Political Linguistics, to empirical methods, all the way to intercultural communciations - you will engage with current and relevant topics.

At the Institute of English and American Studies, we value personal relations to your lecturers, which guarantees individual supervision and advice. Due to our global network, it is possible to study abroad and still graduate within the standard period of study. The many exchange programs also mean that you will come in contact with incoming exchange students in your seminars in Marburg.

Another focus in Marburg lies on new media. Instead of black boards, we use smart boards and consider new media an integral part of studying and teaching. Hybrid and digital teaching is now a part of regular uni life.

The city of Marburg offers a lot regarding Anglophone culture. Apart from theatre perfomances at the uni, for example, the English Drama Group or Dramarasmus, there are also three cinemas that offer films in the original version. Moreover, the city of Frankfurt with its rich cultural program is easily accessible thanks to the semester ticket. There, you can visit the English Theatre or the many art installations of American and Canadian artists in one of the museums.

The University of Marburg also offers information and events regarding career choice. The Career-Center offers advice for post-graduation plans.

Marburg - the perfect place to study

Marburg is the perfect place to study! Many famous people have graduated from the oldest still existing protestant university of the world. The city offers an ideal infrastructure and the typical student atmosphere, this is why it goes "some cities have a university, Marburg is a university".

Marburg is a small rustic city with a flair that is rich in student life. Be it the crooked and twisted alleyways, the many pubs and bars, a picnic at the Lahn, or a party at a student dorm, you will soon feel at home in Marburg.

Follow the footsteps of famous graduates from Marburg, such as Wilhelm and Jacobi Grimm, Clemens Brentano, Christine Brückner or Jürgen Habermas. Live in the medieval "Oberstadt" with its many shops and cafés. Surrounding Marburg, you can discover much more: restaurants, bicycle lanes, and a lot of nature.

From a distance you'll be able to see Marburg's castle. Surrounding it, there is the "Spiegelslustturm", the Church of Elisabeth, the botanical garden and much more. When you want to see more, you can use your semester ticket: Across Hesse (and a little beyond) - from Warburg to Göttingen, passing Wiesbaden, Frankfurt and Heidelberg, all the way back to Marburg.