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Clinical elective
Are you interested in a clinical traineeship abroad? We are happy to support students of the Philipps University of Marburg in completing a clinical traineeship or a PJ tertial at our partner hospital, the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center (KCMC) in Moshi.
General information
Founded in 1972 by the Good Samaritan Foundation (GSF) the KCMC is one of the three pillars of the foundation, along with the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) and the Kilimanjaro Christian Research Institute (KCRI). The University Hospital Marburg maintains numerous projects with all three institutions.
The KCMC is one of the five large "zonal hospitals" in Tanzania, has approx. 680 beds in 10 different departments and is responsible for a catchment area of approx. 17 million inhabitants.
As KCMC is a university hospital that fulfils all the requirements of the Hessian State Examination Office (LPA), it is possible to complete a clinical traineeship as well as a PJ tertial (half tertial).
Clinical electives in general
If you are interested in a clinical elective to broaden your range of experience, we recommend choosing a conservative subject such as internal medicine or the emergency room - there you will have the opportunity to become acquainted with clinical pictures that are rarely encountered in Germany.
A clinical traineeship can be completed from the 4th year of study onwards.
Clinical electives are recommended in following departments
- Internal medicine
- Emergency room / OPD (outpatient clinical traineeship)
- Paediatrics
- Gynaecology and obstetrics
- Dermatology
- Surgery
- Urology
- Neurology
- Ophthalmolog
- ...
The LPA recommends submitting the documents to Mr. Denny Koch (Tel.: 06421/3801-723 / as soon as possible after the traineeship.
After the clinical traineeship, a certificate of proper completion must be filled out. The certificate may be issued at the earliest after finalization of the traineeship!
A corresponding certificate can be downloaded from the following link:
Practical year
The KCMC / KCMUCo fulfils the requirements of the LPA Hessen for a PJ abroad. Thus, the completion of a PJ tertial or a half PJ tertial is possible in principle. As the visa is only valid for 90 days, it is unfortunately not possible to offer a full tertial.
In order to have the PJ recognised by the LPA Hessen, the KCMUCo must complete a certificate of equality, demonstrating that the students of the University of Marburg are equal to the medical students duly enrolled there in the final year of study with regard to training-related rights and obligations.
A corresponding form can be downloaded from the following link:
Because of the splitting of a split tertial, it is strongly recommended that you contact Ms Petri (Dean of Studies, FB 20) in advance. The approval of the local dean's office for tertial splitting is indispensable.
No absences may be claimed in a split term!
Due to the division of a split term, it is strongly recommended to contact Ms. Petri (Dean of Studies FB 20) in advance. The approval of the local dean's office for tertial splitting is essential.
After completion of the PJ tertial, a certificate of proper completion must be filled out.
The certificate may be issued after the end of the tertial at the earliest!
A corresponding certificate can be downloaded from the following link:
We recommend that students in the practical year contact the LPA Hessen again in advance. The contact person for internships abroad is Ms. Nina Gerhard, Tel.: 069/580013-105,
All documents including an application for "crediting the training abroad" must be submitted after the practical year. The application can be downloaded from the following link:
In the case of a tertial in the practical year, which is primarily intended to prepare for the state examination and later medical practice in Germany, the Hessian State Examination Office advises against “completing a tertial in internal medicine and other non-surgical subjects in subtropical and tropical countries, as there is no equivalence of training there due to different climatic conditions, different clinical pictures than in Germany.
Practical year terms are recommended in the following departments:
- Visceral Surgery
- Orthopaedics/Trauma Surgery
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Urology
- Ophthalmology
Financial support
Students from the University of Marburg who are completing a full practical year or an internship of more than 60 days can apply for a financial grant in advance via the International Office of the Philipps University of Marburg.
Application process:
1. Please register with the online platform Mobility Online:
2. Please enter your complete details and upload all required documents. After the application form has been generated, you will find a list of documents that you must also submit to the International Office on the website of the International Office or on Mobility Online.
3. Once you’ve uploaded all information and all the documents are at the IO, you will find out whether you can be accepted for the grant. If you are accepted, you must sign a contract with the IO (Grant Agreement) and have the Learning Agreement filled out (yourself, ERASMUS coordinator in Marburg at your department, internship supervisor).
After consultation with the company medical service at UKGM Marburg, students cannot receive any vaccinations through the company medical service.
The following vaccinations are recommended for Tanzania:
- Tetanus
- Diphtheria
- Poliomyelitis
- Pertussis
- Measles, mumps and rubella
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Typhoid
- Cholera (recommended)
- Rabies (in the case of additional trips planned under “simple travel conditions”)
- Yellow fever (Tanzania is one of the countries with a low risk of yellow fever, vaccination is mandatory if you enter via a country with a high risk of yellow fever!)
- Meningococci (serogroups ACWY [Nimenrix] is recommended)
- Meningococci B
- Hib
With the exception of yellow fever, the above-mentioned vaccinations can be administered by your family doctor. Yellow fever vaccinations are offered in Marburg by Dr. Fritz Holst. After consultation with the company medical service at UKGM Marburg, students cannot receive any vaccinations through the company medical service.
Post-exposure prophylaxis against HIV in the case of e.g. needle-stick injuries is not available!!!
Tanzania is considered being a risk area for malaria with P. falciparum. In Moshi, the Malaria risk is in the medium range. A low risk is to be expected at altitudes > 1,800 m. In Moshi itself, local colleagues estimate the Malaria risk as low. Outside Moshi we recommend Malaria prophylaxis. In case of emergency, emergency self-therapy (NST) is also possible in Tanzania.
KCMC is offering simple accommodation that can be rented for 150 USD / month. These are guest houses that accommodate 7 people in 2 or 3 bed rooms. Each guest house has a kitchen with a cooker.
The cost of electricity is about 20,000 TZS per month which is about 7 €.
There is no washing machine. However, everyday laundry can be washed and ironed for 20,000 TZS.
It is recommended to bring your own bed linen.
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A key deposit of USD 10 is required upon arrival and will be refunded when the keys are returned.
Local transport airport <=> Moshi
The cost of transport from Kilimanjaro International Airport to KCMC is 50 USD. If more than one person is arriving together, this cost can be shared.
It is planned that each visitor from Marburg will contribute to climate change mitigation and (re)forestation. For this purpose, each guest from Marburg is asked to purchase a sapling of their choice through the International office and to plant it either by themselves or by a local gardener. Each guest will receive a certificate with the exact geo-data of the tree, type of plant and when it was planted. A small plaque with the name of the donor will be attached to each tree.
The GSF has made a plot of land available for this purpose.

The usual uniform for interns is a tunic. It is recommended that you bring your own blue tunic.
The obligatory name badge will be issued for 10,000 TSH (approx. 4 €) upon arrival.
Telephone / local SIM card
A local SIM card can be purchased for about 5,000 TSH (2 €). It is advisable to have the provider set up a bundle with internet directly. Usually 19 GB / month is sufficient. Such a bundle costs about 35,000 TSH (about 12.50 €).
It is recommended to apply for a business visa online 2-3 weeks before departure. This costs 150 USD and is valid for 90 days. These are available online via several websites.
Submitting documents
It is recommended to choose a department for a planned internship. A re-enrolment fee of $200 will be charged if you transfer to another department.
The documents must be sent by email to the following email address at least three months before the start of the planned stay:
We recommend that you always use the following email address as your CC, as we can only intervene in case of difficulties if the entire process is understandable from the beginning!
The following documents must be submitted in English to the International Office of KCMC:
- Cover letter with full name, gender, date of birth, nationality, previous study history (including current semester of study/and subject), planned period for the clinical traineeship / PJ and planned department, as well as the goals/ideas for the internship.
- Curriculum vitae
- Scan of a valid passport
- Letter of recommendation from the Dean's Office (can be prepared in the Dean of Studies Office by Ms Sabine Burgers [Email:])
Health insurance abroad / accident insurance
Since a clinical traineeship abroad as well as a PJ tertial abroad is a private matter and not a posting / business trip, we recommend taking out private health insurance abroad and, if necessary, accident insurance or contacting the existing insurance companies.
The usual trading currency in Tanzania is Tanzanian Shillings (TSH). These can either be easily withdrawn at an ATM or exchanged for Euros or USD at an exchange office.
It is advisable to take approx. 450 USD in cash with you when you enter Tanzania, as some costs will have to be paid directly in USD at the beginning:
- 50 USD transport airport => clinic
- 200 USD registration
- 10 USD key deposit
- 150 USD Accommodation
Emergency Support
Contact person for legal problems in connection with entry and stay in Tanzania:
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Tanzania
Umoja House
P.O. Box 95 41
Dar-es-Salaam / Tansania
Head of Embassy: Ambassador Regina Hess
Phone number of the Embassy: +255 22 2212300
Emergency phone (mobile): +255 786 971692
Local contact person for organisational problems in Tanzania:
International Office KCMC
Mobil: +255764921711
Contact person for organisational problems during the stay in Tanzania:
University of Marburg
Responsible for the cooperation
Prof. Dr. Harald Renz / Christian Kreisel
Contact person for medical problems during your stay in Tanzania:
Emergency Department KCMC
Dr. Francis Sakita
Mobil: +255767865441
Additional information
Further information can be found under the following link of the German Foreign Office:
Field reports - Alumini Group
Experience reports from students of the University of Marburg can be downloaded under the following link:
more information coming soon.
This homepage was created in July 2022 together with the cooperation partner KCMC and submitted to the Dean's Office of the Faculty 20 of the Philipps University of Marburg as well as to the LPA Hessen for review and correction. The homepage serves as an overview and simplification of the application process. We make no claim to completeness and assume no liability for the correctness of the information provided.