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Humanmedizin / Human Medicine (Medical Examination)

Program: Humanmedizin / Human Medicine
Degree: Medical Examination
Program length: 14 semesters / 7 years (including "practical year")
Start: Winter semester 

The medical training and the examinations to be passed in the State Examination Program for Human Medicine are specified nationally by the licensure regulations for physicians and divided into two parts:

The first section of training includes lectures, internships and seminars with the following content: Scientific Fundamentals in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physiology, Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, Micro and Macroscopic Anatomy, Medical Psychology/Medical Sociology, Introduction to Clinical Medicine, Exploration of Specialization, Medical Communication/Scientific Work, Elective Subject.

The second section includes graded performance certificates in a variety of subjects, from General Medicine to Human Genetics to Urology, and in various interdisciplinary fields such as Epidemiology, Prevention and Health Promotion or Imaging Techniques, Radiotherapy and Radiation Protection.

The Human Medicine program also includes various block internships and a practical year consisting of 16 weeks of practical work each in Internal Medicine, Surgery and either General Medicine or one of the other clinical-practical fields.


A wide range of professional fields and specialization options are available following successful completion of the Human Medicine program. In addition to practicing medicine in hospitals and clinics, physicians work in administration, in purely scientific research, as company medical officers, instructors at medical education institutions, etc.
