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Certificate Program "Designing and Managing Research Projects" (EMF)

The continuing education program "Designing and Managing Research Projects" (Entwicklung und Management von Forschungsprojekten - EMF) is a collaborative project between Universität Kassel and Philipps-Universität Marburg and targets junior scholars from all faculties and disciplines of both participating universities who intend to apply for third-party funding in the near future. The goal of this offering is to convey the knowledge and skills necessary for junior scholars to receive appropriate funding for their own research and further develop their academic profile.
The three-year program consists of a two-year workshop phase and a further year for submitting a third-party-funding application. The program ends with an internal assessment of the participants' third-party-funding applications by the EMF Advisory Board.
It is possible to complete the program within a year.
Structure of the Continuing Education Program
The workshops are organized into five modules that reflect the course of a third-party-funded project. They can be offered in German or English. Participants can attend courses and activities offered in Marburg (under the category of "EMF") and in Kassel. The five mandatory workshops are offered once a year under the same heading both in Kassel and in Marburg.
- CC – Cross-Category Courses and Activities
- PD – Project Design and Application
- PM – Project Management
- PR – Presentation of Research Projects
- TR – Transfer
For additional information, please consult the Regulations for the "Designing and Managing Research Projects" Continuing Education Program (PDF) and the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Applications for Third-Party Funding and the Proceedings of the Reviewer Sessions (PDF).
Modules, Mandatory and Elective Courses and Activities
The workshops can be attended without registering for the certificate program. The EMF participants have the right to book the mandatory courses up to 14 days before the start of the event. Both the "Introduction to the Certificate Program" and the "Reviewer Session" are reserved for EMF participants.
Registration fee: 200 EUR (external 500 EUR) plus the costs for the workshops of the program (in total approx. 550 EUR for internal participants or approx. 850 EUR for external participants)
- Registration process for the certificate
- Registration for the workshops of the EMF program via the external database Campus Events
Informational Events
Informational events on the certificate are offered once a year:
Advisory Board
Dr. Christine Berger
MArburg University Research Academy (MARA)
Postdoctoral Program
Tel.: +49 (0)6421 28 21310