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International Conference "Ideas, Concepts and Policies of Sovereignty in the Age of the Cold War, 1945-1990"

The subproject C01 "Extended Security – Changes of Statehood after 1970" at the Collaborative Research Center 138 "Dynamics of Security" cordially invites you to participate in the international conference "Ideas, Concepts, and Policies of Sovereignty in the Age of the Cold War, 1945–1990."


27. March 2025 13:00 – 28. March 2025 16:00
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Philipps University Marburg, Pilgrimstein 12, room 201 & 205

About the conference

 Notions and policies of sovereignty have (re)gained significance at both the international and domestic levels. In light of contemporary conflicts such as the war in Ukraine, examining sovereignty from a historical perspective is more pressing than ever. While ideas and concepts of sovereignty played a crucial role in the emergence of the modern (European) territorial state and the age of the nation-state, this conference will focus on the historicization and historical analysis of sovereignty in the Cold War era.

The conference is based on the premise that ideas, concepts, and manifestations of sovereignty are historically contingent and closely intertwined with dynamics of security, insecurity, and power—nationally, internationally, transnationally, and globally. A central question in this context is, “Whose sovereignty?” As a contested concept, sovereignty is shaped by conflicting interests and by the capacity to articulate and pursue these interests

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Benjamin Brendel | Ioannis Brigkos | Juliane Clegg | Eckart Conze | Mauro Elli | Claude Ewert | Sebastian Gehrig | Rüdiger Graf | Simon Graham | Péter Hevö | Victor Jaeschke | Chang Liu | Lukas Mengelkamp | Christian Methfessel | Volker Prott | Marcel Spannenberger | Sarah Wilder-Fehl

Event Organizer

Eckart Conze | Benjamin Brendel | Marcel Spannenberger | Sarah Wilder-Fehl | Björn Haselhuhn | Kalle Blömeke


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