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Laboratory Courses for Physics Students

During your Bachelor’s degree, you will participate in three different laboratory courses, for which you must register. A laboratory course consists of an introductory course with safety instructions and several modules, each covering a specific subject area.
The basic lab (Phys-304) consists of the modules GP-A and GP-B. Each module comprises eight experiments with contents from the subjects of mechanics, electricity and thermodynamics or optics. The GP-A module is offered before the winter semester and the GP-B module is offered before the summer semester during the lecture-free period. Each basic internship ends with an experiment exam. The subject of this exam will be an experiment from the test sequence, which is determined at random.
The advanced internship is offered by the Department of Physics in the fifth and sixth semester of the Bachelor’s programme as two modules or as one module in the Master’s program if the students have only completed a one-semester advanced laboratory course during their BSc.
The advanced laboratory consists of two modules, the Basic FP (Phys-502) and the Advanced FP (Phys-602). Students can begin the advanced laboratory in either the winter or the summer semesters, but the first module must always be Phys-502 (Basic FP).
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Phys-502 module is completed in the winter semester, the Phys-602 module (Advanced FP) must be completed in the summer semester. When starting Phys-502 in the summer semester, the Phys-602 module must be completed in the winter semester.
Bachelor students will receive a module certificate for six exams and one evaluated presentation. During the module Phys-502, Phys-503 “Presentation and Communication” will also be covered.
Teacher training students take three exams in the winter semester or summer semester and receive a partial module certificate for the three exams. Within the framework of the advanced internship, it is possible to complete a project internship relatively freely. This depends on the initiative of the students to replace two normal exams with the project internship. The project internship requires at least eight laboratory days within a two-week period.
Dr. Tobias Breuer is responsible for the implementation and design of the internships as part of the Physics degree programmes.