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Carola Westermeier, Horst Carl (Hrsg.)


Epochenübergreifende Perspektiven zu Praxisformen und Versicherheitlichung


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What role do actors play in processes of securitization and what are the consequences? Volume 2 of the book series "Politics of Security" examines "security actors" using exemplary groups such as the military, lawyers or negotiators. It combines a historical perspective that reaches back to the Middle Ages with contemporary-oriented social and political science contributions.

Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg, Hannah Broecker, Horst Carl, Marc Chaouali, Florian Danecke, Werner Distler, Eneia Dragomir, Verena Epp, Heidi Hein-Kircher, Iwan A. Iwanov, Christian Kleinschmidt, Kai Nowak, Reut Yael Paz, Marius Sebastian Reusch, Konstantin Rometsch, Stefan Tebruck, Justyna A. Turkowska, Carola Westermeier

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