16.05.2024 PhD defence ceremony for Jonny Russell at the University of Leiden on April 30th 2024
Congratulations and brief report about the PhD defence ceremony for Jonny Russell at the University of Leiden on April 30th 2024

We are excited to announce that our team-member, Jonny Russell, has successfully defended his dissertation at Leiden University: Towards a Historical Contextualisation of Ancient Egyptian Perspectives of the Inner Body, Sickness, and Healing. This project was generously funded by the Nederlands Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, and supervised by Prof. Olaf Kaper (Leiden) and Prof. Tanja Pommerening (Marburg). Jonny was also an associated member of the GRK 1876 Frühe Konzepte von Mensch und Natur and became a member of our team after the submission of his dissertation last year. In July, he will take up his new position as Assistant Professor of Egyptology at Brown University in the USA. We warmly congratulate him and wish him success in his new position.
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