Main Content

Fundamental research foci
The Research Group of Marketing and Retail Management has a broad range of research foci. Following list should give you an impression of selected research foci we deal with:
- Relationship Marketing
- Shopper Marketing
- Supplier-Retailer Relations
- Health Care Management
- Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Latest research projects of single staff members
- Internal Branding and Employer Branding (Dr. Daniel Hoppe)
- Enhancing the Effectiveness of In-Store Promotions (Dr. Felix Horstmann)
- Effects of Cause-Related Marketing Promotions (Anna Mutter)
Latest third-party funded research projects
- Arbeitsorganisation und Personalmanagement von sektorübergreifenden psychiatrischen Leistungen (APP)
- Zukunft Zentrum - Erfolgreiches Marketing für Darmkrebszentren
For more detailed information on our fundamental research foci or latest research projects please switch the language to German (Deutsch) or do not hesitate to contact the research group's staff.