
Fachbereichskolloquium Psychologie

„Maximizing reproducibility: Every day possibilities of increasing your scientific contribution”


22. November 2017 16:00 – 22. November 2017 18:00
Termin herunterladen (.ics)

Dekanatssaal, Gutenbergstr 18

Dr. Susann Fiedler, Max-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn

„Maximizing reproducibility: Every day possibilities of increasing your scientific contribution”

Common incentive structures and evidence of irreproducibility in various areas of research discourages individual researchers in their quest for knowledge to some extent and leaves many with a sense of uncertainty about how to go about their scientific work. Discussing the problems highlighted throughout the debate I will make concrete suggestions for in-creasing reproducibility within one’s own research and address the potential for an in-crease in reproducibility across all stages of a full research project. Thereby, highlighting the opportunities that come along with small changes in every day procedures. Giving an overview on how one can become part of a movement promoting a cultural shift toward open-mindedness for complex relationships, a strong interest in innovation going hand in hand with a re-defined understanding of responsibility of a social science researcher in 2017 supporting transparency and reproducibility.


Dr. Susann Fiedler, Max-Planck-Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn


Prof. Dr. Erik Müller
