30.10.2024 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: ENIS Spring School 2025: « Imagining Futures: Dealing with Disparity»

The Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) is collaborating with the European Network for Islamic Studies (ENIS) to organize a spring school titled “Imagining Futures: Dealing with disparity “, which aligns with MECAM’s guiding theme.
Objective: The ENIS Spring School’25 aims to examine the complex processes through which models and visions for the future of society are (re)negotiated (imagining the future) in Muslim communities. This process of (re)negotiation must be understood in the context of the profound disparities that characterize the regions of the world, taking into account economic, political, gender, class, and geographical dimensions, as well as religious discourses and positioning. In line with François Hartog’s concept of “Régimes d’historicité” (2003), an anticipated future always suggests a projection into history—thus, the future can be seen as a construct shaped and imagined based on every day and past realities.
European Network for Islamic Studies (ENIS):
ENIS is a collaboration between the following institutions: The Netherlands Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS, Netherlands); Institut d’études de l’Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM, France); The Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany); El Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC – the Spanish National Research Council, Spain); and Societa Per Gli Studi Sul Medio Oriente (SeSaMO, Italy).
Registration for the ENIS Spring School is open until December 15, 2024.

For further information.