19.09.-02.10.2023 |
The Power of Fear: Interdisciplinary and Diachronic Perspectives on the Social Practices of a Strong Emotion Around the Mediterranean (Co-Organisation) |
University of Amsterdam |
13.-17.08.2023 |
AGYA Bilingual Summer School: South-South Interactions and Representations in Arabic Studies (Co-Organization) |
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (tbc) |
08.05.2023 |
Digital Literacy in der multilingualen und -skriptualen Lehre (Co-Organization) |
University of Hamburg |
26.01.2023 |
“Striving For Affect: Amateur Readers and Aswany’s Bestseller on Social Media” (Paper) |
Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin |
05-08.12.2022 |
Diverse Pedagogy and Reception: (Re)forming Subjectivities in Arab Women’s Writings (Mentor) |
British University of Cairo |
21.11.2022 |
„Affective Readings! Scandals of Aswany's Bestseller The Yacoubian Building on Social Media” (Lecture) |
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
06-07.10.2022 |
„Who Reads Modern Arabic Literature, How and Why? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Readers, Media, Translation and Reception in a Globalized World” |
Conference in Marburg University/Germany, Co-Organization |
06.10.2022 |
„Readings of the Revolution: The Transregional Reception of Aswany’s Republic of False Truths (2018) on Social Media“ (with Soheila Awad, Paper) |
Marburg University |
22.-23.07.2022 |
„Beyond the Street. Cultural Forms of Contemporary Protest in the MENA Region” (Supervision) |
Workshop in Bamberg/Germany |
15.07.2022 |
„Bewegende Bücher. Affektive Lesegemeinschaften ägyptischer Literatur auf der Suche nach dem Politischen.“ |
Freie Universität Berlin |
23.06.2022 |
“Wissenschaftsarabisch als Provokation? Postkoloniale Perspektiven der Arabistik” |
Bayrisches Orientkolloquium, Bamberg |
11.06.2022 |
„Transnational Arab Culture from a European Perspective.” |
Philipps-Universität Marburg. |
16.-20.08.2021 |
“In Search of the Reader. New Approaches to Practices, Functions and Histories of Reading in Arabic Literature, Arts, Media and Culture” |
International Arabic English Summer School; Co-Organisation |
07.07.2021 |
“Translating Tahrir. Cultural Practices, Affective Economies, Thick Translation and the Making of the Arab Spring”(Keynote Speech) |
Summer School “Mediating Islam in the Digital Age” |
10.06.2021 |
“Literarischer Geschmack in den Sozialen Medien: Praktiken, Dispositive, Gemeinschaften“(Paper) |
2. Marburger Wissenschaftsgespräche |
14.10.2021 |
“Decolonizing Academic Arabic Abroad: Structures – Economies – Practices” (Paper) |
Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference
10.10.2019 |
“Goodreads and Egyptian Literature” (Lecture) |
Netherland Flemish Institute at Cairo
02.07.2019 |
“Radical Experiments as Post-Iltizam: Transgenerational Despair and Elitist Shabab-Literature” |
Workshop on “The 1990s in the Arab World”