
Recent Activities

Call for papers (t.b.a.)


19.09.-02.10.2023 The Power of Fear: Interdisciplinary and Diachronic Perspectives on the Social Practices of a Strong Emotion Around the Mediterranean (Co-Organisation) University of Amsterdam 
13.-17.08.2023 AGYA Bilingual Summer School: South-South Interactions and Representations in Arabic Studies (Co-Organization) Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (tbc)
08.05.2023 Digital Literacy in der multilingualen und -skriptualen Lehre (Co-Organization) University of Hamburg
26.01.2023 “Striving For Affect: Amateur Readers and Aswany’s Bestseller on Social Media” (Paper) Institute for Cultural Inquiry, Berlin
05-08.12.2022 Diverse Pedagogy and Reception: (Re)forming Subjectivities in Arab Women’s Writings (Mentor) British University of Cairo
21.11.2022 „Affective Readings! Scandals of Aswany's Bestseller The Yacoubian Building on Social Media”   (Lecture) Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
06-07.10.2022 „Who Reads Modern Arabic Literature, How and Why? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Readers, Media, Translation and Reception in a Globalized World” Conference in Marburg University/Germany, Co-Organization
06.10.2022 „Readings of the Revolution: The Transregional Reception of Aswany’s
Republic of False Truths (2018) on Social Media“ (with Soheila Awad, Paper)
Marburg University
22.-23.07.2022 „Beyond the Street. Cultural Forms of Contemporary Protest in the MENA Region” (Supervision) Workshop in Bamberg/Germany
15.07.2022 „Bewegende Bücher. Affektive Lesegemeinschaften ägyptischer Literatur auf der Suche nach dem Politischen.“ Freie Universität Berlin
23.06.2022 “Wissenschaftsarabisch als Provokation? Postkoloniale Perspektiven der Arabistik” Bayrisches Orientkolloquium, Bamberg
11.06.2022  „Transnational Arab Culture from a European Perspective.” Philipps-Universität Marburg.
16.-20.08.2021 In Search of the Reader. New Approaches to Practices, Functions and Histories of ‎Reading in Arabic Literature, Arts, Media and Culture International Arabic English Summer School; Co-Organisation
07.07.2021 Translating Tahrir. Cultural Practices, Affective Economies, Thick Translation and the Making of the Arab Spring”(Keynote Speech) Summer School “Mediating Islam in the Digital Age
10.06.2021 Literarischer Geschmack in den Sozialen Medien: Praktiken, Dispositive, Gemeinschaften“(Paper) 2. Marburger Wissenschaftsgespräche
14.10.2021 Decolonizing Academic Arabic Abroad: Structures – Economies – Practices” (Paper)

Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference

10.10.2019 Goodreads and Egyptian Literature” (Lecture)

Netherland Flemish Institute at Cairo

02.07.2019 Radical Experiments as Post-Iltizam: Transgenerational Despair and Elitist Shabab-Literature

Workshop on “The 1990s in the Arab World”

Date Title Event