Dr. Anna Heller

Anna Heller
Foto: Amir Andikfar

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin


+49 6421 28-24793 anna.heller@staff 1 Deutschhausstraße 12
35032 Marburg
F|14 Institutsgebäude (Raum: 00A35)
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Philipps-Universität Marburg Centrum für Nah- und Mittelost-Studien (CNMS) Fachgebiet Iranistik
  • Research interests

    Persian dramatic literature and theatre of the 20th century, including:
    - Social images and national identity in dramatic literature
    - Images of women and women's roles in the theatre
    - Biographies of women in the history of theatre
    - Dissident literature of the late Pahlavi period: political theatre

    Gender roles, social identities, and processes of politicisation in Iranian popular culture

    Current project: Women in 20th-century Iranian Theatre History

  • Curriculum Vitae

    Anna Heller completed her PhD at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg in 2021 with her thesis on the theatre and dramatic literature of early Pahlavi Iran.
    Since 2021, she has been employed as research fellow (PostDoc) at the Department of Iranian Studies, CNMS, at Philipps University of Marburg. Here she is actively researching new topics on 20th century Iranian theatre. Since 2014, Anna has been teaching language courses (Persian basics) and seminars for the BA programmes of the CNMS and the MA Iranian Studies at the Philipps University of Marburg.

    Academic career

    Since fall/winter 2021: Research fellow (Post Doc) at the Department of  Iranian Studies, CNMS, Philipps University of Marburg

    2021: PhD in Iranian Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg. Title of the dissertation: Nationalism on Stage: The New Iranian Drama as a Forum of National-Secular Discourse in early Pahlavi rule.

    2014–2019    Doctoral studies at the Department of Iranian Studies, Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS), Philipps University of Marburg

    2012–2014      MA Iranian Studies, CNMS, Philipps University of Marburg

    2011–2012      BA Oriental Studies, CNMS, Philipps University of Marburg

    2008–2011      BA programme Iranian Studies, Asian-Africa-Institute, University of Hamburg, with minors in History and Indo-European Studies


    Doctoral scholarship of the Gerda Henkel Foundation in the framework of the special programme "Islam, the modern nation state and transnational movements" by the example of Iran in early Pahlavi time (1925-1941), with the research project "Nationalism on Stage. Modern Iranian Theatre as a Forum for the National-Secular Discourse", under the direction of Prof. Dr. Christoph Werner, at the Department of Iranian Studies, CNMS, Philipps-Universität Marburg (2015-2018)..

  • Publications

    Nationalismus auf der Bühne. Theater als Forum des national-säkularen Diskurses in der frühen Pahlavi-Zeit. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2023. (Mîzân - Studien zur Literatur in der islamischen Welt, 34.)

    „Das iranische moderne Theater“, in Ludwig Paul (Hg.), Handbuch der Iranistik, Bd. 2, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2017, S. 308-312.

  • Conference Papers

    "Addressing the Female Pioneers of the Theatre: Loreta Hayrapetian's Biography in the Context of a Feminist Theatre History", Interdisciplinary Workshop: Stages of Performing in Pahlavi Iran (1925-1979) April 2024.

    "Nationalism on Stage: Theater and Nation Building in early Pahlavi-Iran", Final Conference of the Gerda Henkel Foundation Special Program: Islam, The Modern Nation State and Transnational Movements, Düsseldorf, October 2023.

    "Representations of Women in Theatre History by the Example of Loreta Hayrapetian", Tenth European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS), Leiden (NL), August 2023.

    "Perspectives of Islamic and Secular Feminism on Women's Rights in Iran", International Conference: Anti-Feminism and Anti-Gender Politics in Authoritarian Regimes, Herder Institut and CNMS, Marburg, June 2023.

    „100 Years of Laughter: Moqaddam’s Jaʿfar Khan is back from Europe as an Everlasting Classic of Iranian Theatre", 34. Deutscher Orientalistentag 2022, Berlin, September 2022.

    „Schauplatz der Lustbarkeiten und Orte der Läuterung: Gärten in der iranischen Kultur“, Vortrag im Studium Generale der Universität Marburg im WS 2021/22, Dezember 2021.

     „Saviors of the Iranian Nation and her Men: Images of Strong Women in Early 20th Century Dramatic Literature”, Ninth European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS), Berlin, September 2019.

     „Where to Put Drama? On the (Im)Possibilities of Locating and Defining Iran’s early 20th Century ‘Drama’ as a Genre”, own presentation at workshop: Modern and Contemporary Persian Literature: Genres and Representations, Philipps-Universität Marburg, CNMS, June 2018.

     „‚Mutter Heimat’ als identitätsstiftende Nationalsymbolik in der iranischen Theaterliteratur der Ära Reza Schah“, 33. Deutscher Orientalistentag 2017, Jena, August 2017.

     „’Hifdah-e Dey’ as Theatrical Topic: State Propaganda or Social Reflection of the 1936’s Unveiling of Iran’s Women?”, own presentation at wWorkshop: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Workshop on Modern Iranian Literature, Philipps-Universität Marburg, CNMS, Mai 2017.

     „A Nation’s Struggle between Revolt and Revolution: Gholam-Hoseyn Saʿedi and the Constitutional Revolution”, Eighth European Conference of Iranian Studies (ECIS), St. Petersburg, September 2015.

     „A First Overview of Hedayat’s Parvin Dokhtar-e Sasan“, own presentation at workshop Contemporary Iranian Literature: Fiction, Drama, Translation, Philipps-Universität Marburg, CNMS, May 2015.

     „A Nation’s Struggle between Revolt and Revolution: Gholam-Hoseyn Saʿedi and the Constitutional Revolution”, Symposia Iranica, University of Cambridge, UK, April 2015.

     „Gholam-Hoseyn Sa’edis Panjnamayesh-nameh az enqelab-e mashrutiyat als individuelle Auflehnung gegen kollektive Resignation?“, 21. internationaler Kongress der DAVO, Universität zu Köln, September 2014.

  • Professional activities

    Interdisciplinary Workshop: Stages of Performing in Pahlavi Iran (1925-1979), curated and organised in collaboration with PD Dr. Nic Leonhardt (Käte Hamburger Research Centre global dis:connect, Munich), 11-12 April, 2024

    Interdisciplinary Workshop: An Introduction to Iranian Music, Department of Iranian Studies, CNMS, Philipps University of Marburg, Lecturer: Elshan Ghasimi (Berlin), 6.–8. July 2022

    International Workshop: Modern and Contemporary Persian Literature: Genres and Representation, in cooperation with Dr. Goulia Ghardakhshani-Otter, CNMS, Philipps-University of Marburg, June 2018

    Interdisciplinary Doctoral Workshop on Modern Iranian Literature, Philipps-University of Marburg, CNMS, Mai 2017

    Doctoral Workshop: Contemporary Iranian Literature: Fiction, Drama, Translation, Philipps-University of Marburg, CNMS, Mai 2015

    Summer Intensive Course: Reading Siyaq! The Secret Script of Iranian Chanceries, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Christoph U. Werner and Dr. Emad al-Din Shaikh al Hokamaee, Department of Iranian Studies, CNMS, Philipps University of Marburg, August 2013

    Summer School: Early Judaeo-Persian and West Iranian Dialectology, Organised by Prof. Dr. Ludwig Paul, Dr. Agnes Korn and Dr. Thamar E. Gindin; Assistance with the organisation and implementation, support for the international participants. Department of Iranian Studies, Asien-Africa-Institute, University of Hamburg, August 2010

  • Teaching

    SoSe 2024 Hauptseminar Theater, Tanz und Performanz: Bühnenkünste in Iran (Theatre, Dance, and Performance: Stage Arts in Iran)
    Sprachkurs Persisch Basismodul 2 (Persian basic module 2)
    Proseminar Ethno-religiöse Minderheiten im modernen Iran (Ethno-religious minorities in modern Iran)
    Proseminar Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im heutigen Iran (Politics, Economics, and Society in Contemporary Iran)
    SoSe 2023 Proseminar Von Buddhismus bis Bahaitum: Weltreligionen des iranischen Kulturraums (From Buddhism to Bahaism: world religions of the realm of Iranian culture)
    Sprachkurs Persisch Basismodul 2 (Persian basic module 2)
    WS 2022/23 Hauptseminar Protest und Partizipation - Frauen in Iran (Protest and participation - women in Iran)
    Sprachkurs Persisch Basismodul 1 (Persian basic module 1)
    SoSe 2022 Proseminar Mechanismen der iranischen Popkultur: Tabubrüche, ambivalente Identitäten und Gender Shift (Mechanisms of Iranian pop culture: breaking taboos, ambivalent identities and gender shift)
    Sprachkurs Persisch Basismodul 2
    WS 2021/22 Proseminar Armenier in Iran: "Politics of Identity“ - zwischen ethnischer Identität, Religion und Iranischsein (Armenians in Iran: "Politics of Identity" - between ethnic identity, religion, and Iranianess)
    Sprachkurs Persisch Basismodul 1
    SoSe 2021 Proseminar Religiöse Minderheiten im modernen Iran (Webinar) (Religious minorities in modern Iran)
    Proseminar Unterhaltungskulturen Irans (Webinar) (Cultures of entertainment in Iran)
    WS 2020/21 Hauptseminar Fachsprachliche Übung (Master)
    SoSe 2020 Proseminar Iran im 20. Jahrhundert (Webinar) (20th-century Iran)
    Proseminar Unterhaltungskulturen Irans (Webinar) (Cultures of entertainment in Iran)
    WS 2019/20 Hauptseminar Iran unter den Qajaren (Iran under the Qajars)
    Proseminar Geschichte der Iranischen Welt (History of the Persianate world)
    SoSe 2019 Sprachkurs Persisch Basismodul 2
    Proseminar Religionen Irans (Religions of Iran)
    WS 2018/19 Sprachkurs Persisch Basismodul 1
    Proseminar Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im heutigen Iran  (Politics, Economics, and Society in Contemporary Iran)
    WS 2017/18 Sprachkurs Persisch Basismodul 1
    Hauptseminar Persische Historiographie (Persian historiography)
    SoSe 2015 Proseminar Religionen Irans (Religions of Iran)
    WS 2014/15 Übung Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Grammatik (Academic writing and grammar)
  • Committee activities

    Seit 2022 Stellvertretendes Mitglied Fachbereichsrat FB 10 - Fremdsprachliche Philologien
    Since 2022 Deputy member of the Faculty Council FB 10 - Foreign Languages and Cultures

    Seit 2022 Mitglied des Studienausschusses des CNMS
    Since 2022 Member of CNMS Study Committee

    Seit 2023 Stellvertretendes Mitglied des Direktoriums des CNMS
    Since 2023 Deputy member of the CNMS Directory Board

    2022-2023 Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragte des FB 10 - Fremdsprachliche Philologien (gelebte Nachhaltigkeit in der Philipps-Universität Marburg) / Sustainability at the University of Marburg

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