Dissertationsprojekte am Fachgebiet Politik des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens
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Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Hanna Al Taher: Imagining, Claiming and Resisting Belonging - Gendered Citizenship in Jordan
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Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Clara Easthill: A comparative case study of the influences on Afghan resistance movements between 1979 and 2004.
C. Easthill C. EasthillAbstract:
Between 1979 and 2004, the Afghan central state underwent a number of noteworthy changes. After the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1979, several distinct phases of war impacted Afghanistan: From the initial fight, which saw many Afghans joining resistance movements against the Soviet forces and communist central state, to a civil war, to the Taliban regime, war defined the country’s development. After 9/11 and a renewed effort to drive out the Taliban, Afghanistan established a new governmental system with international (military and political) support. These decades of varying conflicts inflicted severe damages on the country and changed the political landscape within it, with political actors changing their roles and positions to adapt to the political context. Some of these actors, notably the Mujahideen, who had initially emerged as a resistance movement to the Soviet regime, mirror these changes:The Mujahideen had initially emerged as guerrilla forces fighting the central state. There were distinct and often oppositional factions of Mujahideen who received varying levels of support. After the fall of the Soviet-supported Communist regime, the Mujahideen briefly governed the country in a coalition, while civil and factional war continued. Mujahideen factions then positioned themselves in different, often changing, ways towards the Taliban regime, and finally many played a central role in the emergence of the new state post 2001. This thesis aims to present an analysis of Afghan resistance movements between 1979 and 2004.
This thesis embeds the transformations of the state and the changing military-political role of the Mujahideen, into rentier theory. There are two main, connected, foci to this work: Firstly, the thesis aims to analyse the rent-seeking activities of the Mujahideen, showing which activities of the Mujahideen can be classified as rent-seeking and emphasising the effects thereof on the Afghan state and population. The second focus highlights the role of the international community within the conflict by analysing in which ways they incentivized and influenced these rent-seeking activities. By following these two research foci, the thesis aims to show the factors that contributed to Afghanistan’s fragmentation, the effects of which are noticeable until today. The underlying assumption is that the specific national and international context in which the wars arose, specifically the dominant rentierism, caused this fragmentation. The analysis will be carried out by comparing five case studies, i.e. five Mujahideen leaders who were active in the period under analysis. Their political and military activities, and changing roles, are analysed from a biographical and comparative perspective. Importantly, these activities include the relations of the Mujahideen to one another, with the central state and the (international) public.
Theoretically, the thesis follows the rentier approach, and the main methodology includes the Biographic Method as well as a comparative approach.
Kontakt: clara.easthill@uni-marburg.deInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Alexander Lohse: Status-seeking strategies of a rising regional power: The United Arab Emirates’ foreign policy since 2011
During the year 2020 alone, amid the global COVID-19 crisis, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) sent a probe to Mars, signed a peace deal with Israel and claimed to be the world's largest aid donor during the pandemic. All these publicized events indicate a foreign policy strategy aiming to improve the UAE's international reputation and status. Forming a central part of the UAE's foreign policy for about two decades, its status-seeking strategy is built around issue areas based on globalized 'Western' norms, such as women's rights, sustainability and renewable energy, technology and science, as well as humanitarianism and tolerance. In those areas, the UAE has been trying to project a global image as a role model for and leader of Arab and (less often) Muslim countries. As it portrays itself as a regional example of gender equality or advocate of climate action, the UAE's status-seeking strategies are mostly directed at a Western audience, with the United States as the main addressee, but also at major global powers and regional states. Thus, humanitarian diplomacy, the hosting of prestigious international events, the build-up of a Western-style education and culture sector, and the quest for a central role in international organizations have all become important pillars of the UAE's foreign policy.
Building on previous International Relations research on international status and status-seeking strategies, my dissertation project will include approaches from Sociology and Social Psychology, such as Social Identity Theory and Bourdieu's field theory, to establish a comprehensive theoretical framework of rising regional powers' status-seeking strategies and the mechanisms of status recognition. This eclectic framework will form the basis for an in-depth case study of the UAE's foreign policy since 2004. Asking for the motives and driving forces behind the UAE's quest for status, this dissertation will consider a range of factors. For one thing, the domestic level seems to play an essential role in the UAE's international status-seeking behavior as the ruling elites try to protect their regime's stability and build national identity and pride for their relatively young and rapidly developing nation. For another, regional and international considerations are central dimensions of the Emirati ambitions to become a regional power. In so doing, this dissertation will focus on the social dimension of status-seeking and the relationship between international status on the one hand and national identity and self-image on the other.
More information about Alexander Lohse and his research can be found on his staff website.
Contact: alexander.lohse@uni-marburg.deInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Katharina Siebert: Collective Identity in Social Movement Organizations
This thesis focuses on the collective identity of social movement organizations (SMOs) and aims at discovering how the nature of a group’s collective identity affects the organization’s actions. By comparing the collective identities of case study organizations and tracing their development, this thesis tries to shed light on how variations of collective identity translate into differences with regard to their behavior, especially flexibility and change.
As this question has not been sufficiently answered by the existing theoretical research on social movements and SMOs, this thesis will firstly discover how variations of collective identity in SMOs can be identified and made comparable. To this end, a theoretical instrument will be developed in order to systematically assess the collective identity of a SMO. Secondly, this study will explore how variance with regard to collective identity affects the behavior of SMOs.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Katrin Sold: Startup-Unternehmer als Triebkräfte Sozialen Wandels? Economic Agency und gesellschaftliche Transformation in Marokko und Tunesien
Weitere Informationen zu Frau Sold und ihrer Forschung finden Sie auf ihrer Personenseite.
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