
Trustworthy AI Lab

The Trustworthy AI Lab, located at the Philipps-University Marburg, comprises an interdisciplinary team of researchers focusing on the philosophical, ethical, juridical, social, and technological dimensions of AI, with a particular emphasis on trustworthiness and the fundamental factors that contribute to ethical, just, lawful, and trustworthy AI applications. The Lab aims to foster discussions and critical reflections surrounding the responsible utilization of Artificial Intelligence.

Focus: Legal and Organizational Assessment/Evaluation


Z-Inspection® is a holistic process used to evaluate the trustworthyness of AI-based technologies at different stages of the AI lifecycle. It focuses, in particular, on the identification and discussion of ethical issues and tensions through the elaboration of socio-technical scenarios. It uses the general European Union’s High-Level Expert Group’s (EU HLEG) guidelines for trustworthy AI.
The process is published in IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society.
Z-Inspection® is distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA) license.
Z-Inspection® is listed in the new OECD  Catalogue of AI Tools & Metrics https://oecd.ai/en/catalogue/tools/z-inspection


Affiliated Labs with the Z-Inspection® Initiative: https://z-inspection.org/affiliated-labs/