Vortrag: Capturing and Analyzing Motion Data - Technologies and Applications
02. Juni 2022 14:00
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Seminarraum XV, Ebene C4, Raum 04C37 im Mehrzweckgebäude auf den Lahnbergen
Capturing and analyzing motion data has made enormous progress in the last years. While optical motion capture systems have been the only option to capture motion in high spatial and temporal resolution twenty years ago, wearable devices have now been developed, capturing data for special use-cases in high accuracy. Data-driven approaches using motion-capture datasets are common to analyze readings from wearables and to gain insights. In my talk I will present some of my works in motion data, discuss the development of a wearable to measure posture, and show some of the emerging applications. I’ll conclude my talk with sneak peek to possible future developments in this field.
Speaker: Björn Krüger (Gokhale Method Enterprise Inc. (Stanford, USA): Director of Research and Product Development), siehe https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=G3Oi-d8AAAAJ&hl=de
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Seeger