09.01.2019 Gastvortrag/Invited Talk: Digital Enterprise - What it means and how to get there

As part of the Seminar “E-Business and Business Model Innovation” by Prof. Alpar, there will be
an invited talk on Jan. 17, 2019 at 12.00, Universitätsstr. 6 (Savignyhaus), Room 01021 (120)
Title: Digital Enterprise - What it means and how to get there
Speaker: Claudia Plattner, Chief Information Officer, DB Systel GmbH
Abstract: Digitization is on everyone's mind and yet, very few companies actually manage to generate the momentum necessary to envision the digital change and go through with it.
How do we go about it at Deutsche Bahn? Our huge, state owned, dinosaur of a company all of a sudden comes to think of itself as a startup of the very first industrial revolution. What changed? What are our plans? What works? What doesn't? And how are we trying to fend off the historic fate of dinosaurs?
Though far from done, we give an insight into our plans, our struggles, our progress and the current digitization state, we find ourselves in.
About the speaker: Claudia is a mathematician by training and by heart, holding degrees from universities in Germany and the US, who started out as a software developer in the financial services industry, back in the early 2000s.
Quite a few years and positions later, she eventually decided she had seen enough of the finance world to last her for a lifetime (or more), spent a few months in Latinoamérica and finally joined Deutsche Bahn following her strong believe in the ecological and social importance of top-notch public transport services. Since the beginning of 2017, she holds the position of CIO of DB Systel, the Deutsche Bahn group's IT provider.