
Development Economics

Lecture & Tutorial

Kirk, Michael

ECTS: 6 LP (3 LP)

Place and time see MARVIN: Lecture and Tutorial

Modules: M-EconInst: MPOL/IEP, MInst-AIE, IDS

Language: English

  • Objectives

    This lecture focuses on an in-depth analysis of roots and impacts of poverty in so-called Third World Countries. Students learn to understand poverty as a threat for sustainable development based on a gender perspective. They will be able to work with formal methods to analyse the impact of rural poverty on imperfect land, credit, labour and insurance markets and draw implications for more pro-poor policies. They will deepen their understanding of the role of education and the North-South interrelation on global commons.

  • Content

    Poverty as a Threat to Development
    Hunger, Malnutrition, and food markets
    Gender perspective
    Population growth and migration
    Poverty and Rural Development: land, capital, labour, and insurance markets
    International agricultural policy: EU as a case study
    Education and development
    Governing global commons?
    Pro-poor policy approaches

  • Literature

    Behrman, J. & T. Srinivasan (eds) (1995), Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. III, Amsterdam etc.
    Chenery, H.B. & T. Srinivasan (eds) (1988), Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. I & II, Amsterdam etc.
    Hayami, Y. (2001), Development Economics, 2nd ed, Oxford.
    McCalla, A. & J. Nash (eds) (2007), Reforming Agricultural Trade for Developing Countries, Washington, D.C.
    Meier, G. & J. Rauch (2000/2005), Leading Issues in Economic Development, 7./8. ed., New York.
    Perkins, D. Radelet,S., Lindauer, D. & S. Block (2013), Economics of Development, 7th ed, New York, etc.
    Ray (1998), Development Economics, Princeton,
    Rao, P.K. (2000), Sustainable Development, Malden, Oxford.
    Schultz, T.P. & J. Strauss (eds), (2008), Handbook of Development Economics, Vol 4, North Holland.
    Todaro, M. & E. Smith (2009), Economic Development, 10th ed, Harlow
    Tweeten, L.G. & S.R. Thompson (eds) (2002), Agricultural Policy for the 21th century, Iowa.