Development Economics: An Introduction
Lecture 2 SWS, Lecture/Tutorial 1 SWS
Lecturers: Michael Kirk, Nils Christian Hönow
Place & time, see MARVIN: Lecture and TutorialLanguage: English
Credit: 6 ECTS/3 ECTS
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Modules
Bachelor VWL (bis WS 2011/12) Bachelor SVWL IW, Bachelor VWL (ab WS 2011/12) Vertiefungsmodul Institutionenökonomie: Angewandte Institutionenökonomie
IDS bis WS 2011/12 Vertiefungsblock: Entwicklung, Institutionen und internationale Bez.
IDS ab WS 2011/12 Grundlagenmodule: Basismodul International Development StudiesInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Objectives:
Lecture and tutorial deal with key questions of economic development of so-called Third World Countries. Students get an understanding of the complexity of the term “development”, of actors in development cooperation as well as an overview of the history of development economics and its embeddedness in modern economics. Students will learn about the role and problems of growth in the development process. They will be able to critically assess relevant development theories, the magnitude of the poverty problem in developing countries and its implications for population, equity and environmental issues.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Content
1. Key Problems of Economic Development
2. Poverty and Inequality: Definition, Measurement, Implications
3. What is „Development“?
4. Actors in Development Cooperation
5. History of Development Economics
6. Development Theories: A Synopsis
− Classic Theories on Economic Development
− Growth Theories
− Trade and Structuralist Theories and Development
7. Population Growth and Economic Development
8. Environment and DevelopmentInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Literature
Banerjee, A. & E. Duflo (2011), Poor Economics, A radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty, New York.
Easterly W. (2003), Can Foreign Aid Buy Growth? Journal of Economic Perspectives 17 (3): 23-48
Krugman, Paul R. & M. Obstfeld (2008), International Economics, 8th ed., Boston etc.
Mankiw N.G., D. Romer und D.N. Weil (1992), A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics: 407-437
Meier, G. & J. Rauch (2000/2005), Leading Issues in Economic Development, 7./8. ed., New York,
Perkins, D. Radelet,S., D. Lindauer & S. Block, (2013), Economics of Development, 7th ed., New York, etc.
Ray (1998), Development Economics, Princeton,
Schultz, T.P. & J. Strauss (eds.), (2008), Handbook of Development Economics, Vol 4, North Holland.
Todaro, M. & E. Smith (2009), Economic Development, 10th ed, Harlow