
INSEEC BBA Ecole de Commerce Européenne de Bordeaux (ECE)

Bordeaux is the political, economic and intellectual center of southwestern France. Around 243,000 inhabitants live in the city.

The Ecole de Commerce Européenne de Bordeaux (INSEEC BBA ECE Bordeaux) belongs to the INSEEC group, which was founded in 1975. In addition to the French locations in Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon and Chambéry, the INSEEC group has further locations in London, Chicago and Shanghai, among others. Over 15,000 students are enrolled at the different locations.

HERE you can find an experience report from students who have already studied in Bordeaux.

Country, Location France, Bordeaux
Available Exchange/ Level 4 Students/ only Bachelor
Department/ Subject Area Business School/ Business & Management
Exchange Period One Semester or Full Year
Semester Calendar Winter term (Autumn): September - December
Summer term (Spring): February - May
Course catalog Program
Language and Requirements B1 French generally recommended.
B2 in teaching language required (EN or FR)
Coordinator and contacts (Marburg)

International Student Advisory Service

Contact Host University International Office
Weblinks Website ECE Bordeaux
Bachelor INSEEC Erasmus+