
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) was founded in 1917 and was the first modern university in China to focus on economics  and management. Since then, SUFE has focused on a wide range of social sciences in general, and economics and management in particular. SUFE is one of the top institutions in China in various rankings. Finance and statistics in particular are among the top 100 in the world.

Over 20,000 students are enrolled at SUFE, including around 1,000 students at the School of Economics. In September 2018, the SUFE and the Philipps University signed a cooperation agreement.

Country, Location China, Shanghai
Available Exchange/ Level 2 Students / Bachelor and Master
Department/ Subject Area Finance and Economics
Exchange Period Full year or one semester
Semester Calendar Winter term September - January
Summer term March - June
Course catalog Fact sheet
Language and Requirements English B2
Coordinator and contacts (Marburg)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Armbrüster

Student Advisory Service

Contact Host University Contact
Further Information

Application at the School of Business and Economics via Mobility Online Portal
Deadline: 15.12.

1 SUFE credit is1.5 ECTS

1-2 applicants with very good qualifications will receive a CSC scholarship. For further information contact Ms. Gross or Ms. Malkova

Information for exchange students (Kursliste, fact sheet)